dimanche 23 décembre 2018

Mt. Allen 12/22 Attempt and question

Underestimated a lot on this trip and ended up turning around at around 5.5 miles in when I couldn't quickly cross the Lower Twin Brook.

I had grand plans of pulling into the parking lot and seeing a lot full of others with the same idea as me. Knock out Allen, hopefully winter peak 19 for me, for their first winter peak of the season on a beautiful day. I pulled into the lot and was the only car.

Started jamming along and the warm day coupled with a melting snow made for a ton of work breaking trail. No big deal, that's why I like hiking and why I like winter hiking.

I ended up turning around at the Lower Twin Brook crossing. I had absolutely no idea how to cross it. I hiked up and down the brook looking for a way across. I finally started doing the math in my head and realized I didn't want to hike out in the dark solo and I didn't want to try and cross this brook potentially in the dark. Anybody have any advice on crossing this puppy in winter?

Ah well, I think the mountain will be there later in the season.

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