mercredi 13 février 2019

Indian Lake Campground Reservations

Hey All,

It's that time of year again, when I stare at maps and plan summer paddling/camping adventures while the snow flies and the winds howl outside.

This year I was hoping to camp on Indian Lake, which I've paddled on a couple times while staying at Lewey Lake campground but never camped on. Some members of my extended family are going to meet us and camp at Lewey Lake for a weekend in July, and my wife and I figured we'd spend the week prior doing some primitive canoe camping. I thought mid January would be plenty early enough to reserve a site on Indian; suffice to say I was very wrong. Indian was pretty much all booked up for the whole summer by that time. Our back up plan is to go to Little Tupper, which we've been to multiple times and love, but we'd like to camp and explore someplace new. Also it would be great to already be so close to Lewey Lake, where we have a site reserved for a weekend.

So my question is, is it common for sites to come open at Indian as the season gets closer? I'm thinking when people reserve 9 months out, alot can happen in that time. Also, is there a place online where maybe people sell or trade reservations?

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