lundi 11 février 2019

Sawteeth 2/10

Magnificent day in the Adis if maybe on the cold side. Although this was officially my first winter HP, trail conditions were actually much easier than pretty much all of my recent shoulder-season hikes. Hard-packed snow all the way, with a bit of ice on top.

Headed out from the hiker parking at 7:15. I started to feel the wind on Lake Road and my legs got a bit cold, but the ascent effort would solve that. Met a few campers heading out. I don't know how they survived a night at -1000F (I looked at my compass/whistle that also acts as a thermometer, but the temparature was too cold to register, meaning it was below 0F).

I got to the end of Lake road at 8:30. I put on snowshoes at the start of the Weld Trail and stopped to look at the falls. After 5 miles, I was doing better time than expected and I started entertaining the thought of going through Pyramid/Gothics for the loop (which another hiker mentioned he was aiming for as he passed me). However, that was not to be as my progress considerably slowed thereafter and I was constantly out of breath and the weight of my backpack and "frontpack" were holding me back.

Switched to crampons near the top as it was getting icy. Splendid views on top of Giant, Dial/Nippletop and the Great Range. Had the top to myself and there was hardly any wind (it helps that this is not a treeless summit).

Trip down was tedious as my new boots were giving me blisters, but eventually got to the parking at 14:30. As I was leaving, the gentleman who I spoke to earlier mentioned he got to Pyramid but elected not to go onto Gothics because of dangerously icy conditions.

Lower Ausable Lake and footbridge to Weld Trail:

Rainbow Falls:

Basin, Saddleback, Gothics, Pyramid:


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