mercredi 6 février 2019

Trail broken to Indian head and Colvin from Lake Road 02.02.19

Lots of traffic in the high peaks these days, but figured I would just put this out there to let people know about some trail conditions last weekend.

A friend and I hiked up Indian head from the Lake Road last Saturday, 2.02.19. We left from St. Hubert's around 8:15 and started along the trail with a few other hikers. We left them at the Gill Brook Junction and continued along the Lake Road, spying lots of chaga mushrooms along on the way. We came to the end of the road, and someone had broken a path right down to the lake itself - we initially followed this but soon realized it wasn't the correct way. We backtracked, and started breaking trail up what we thought looked like a snowed-over path up Indian head. The trail markers were scant at first, and many were at our feet with the snow depth. The snow was 3-4 feet deep and very powdery. We topped out on Indian head as a light snow started to fall, and the wind gusts hit us. Beautiful views of Gothics and Sawteeth to the West, and Lower Ausable Lake to the Southwest.

We "slid" down a lot of the trail to Fish Hawk cliffs, which we also broke out. We soon met with the hikers who we left at the Gill Brook junction, they were headed towards Indian head. They raved about the snow depth and we both wished each other well. We continued along the broken trail until we reached the junction going up Colvin, greeted by a Martin along the way. Once at the top of Colvin, we took in more views of Upper Ausable Lake. I mentioned I was having pain in my hip, but wanted to continue on to Blake as we had made it this far. We started along the trail which was partially broken, and continued breaking the trail as we started to reach the steep descent. The pain in my hip grew worse and I decided it was best to turn back, ego aside.

We retreated to Colvin and passed others on their way to Blake. Upon seeing them again on the way down Colvin, it was apparent they had turned back from Blake as well, as the summit cliffs seemed too steep given the snow depth to ascend. I'm curious if it could be done technically with an ice axe and rope system, but that will have to wait until next time.

I hope this report was helpful, happy trails everyone!

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