vendredi 8 février 2019

Janacks Landing / Dead Creek Flow from Wanakena

All I can say is "wtf"... We snowshoed down the railroad grade until we found an unexpected sharp right in the trail, I think right after a small stream crossing, marked poorly with some pink tape. It went up a pretty steep hill, and there are red seals also marking that apparent "detour." And there were no visible trail markers further down the railroad bed. So we took the detour thinking the rail bed must be washed out ahead. ..... But the stupid detour trail just awkwardly crossed a stream and looped us back to an earlier part of the trail at a point not clearly marked!!! -- so we didn't see this "detour" route the first time we passed. Not knowing why the trail was apparently improperly marked, as the "detour" actually seemed more difficult than the rail bed route it parallells, we decided just to head back to the car.

So... wtf???... is someone messing with trail markers? Is there a map in existence that shows that "detour"? Is it just a side route in case the railroad bed is washed out in the spring? If so, why isn't it shown on any maps in existence? And why is the rail grade poorly marked south of the "detour"? Are they rerouting the trail and just doing a really poor job of it? :gripe:

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