vendredi 31 mai 2019

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New Recreation Plan for the Oswegatchie Conservation Easement.

A few of the Western "explorers" like Wldrns may find this of interest. I know I found enough new information to make me want to take a drive over there later this summer when I'm up with the family in the general vicinity.

Fin7 hacking group targets more than 130 companies after leaders’ arrest

Following the arrest in 2018 of a number of suspected leaders of the notorious Fin7/Carbanak cyber-gang, the group was believed to have disbanded. But Kaspersky Lab researchers have detected a number of new attacks by the same groups using GRIFFON malware. According to the company’s experts, Fin7 might have extended the number of groups operating under its umbrella; increased the sophistication of its methods; and even positioned itself as a legitimate security vendor to recruit professional employees and dupe them into helping it steal financial assets.

Fin7 is believed to be behind attacks targeting the U.S. retail, restaurant, and hospitality sectors since mid-2015, working in close collaboration and sharing tools and methods with the infamous Carbanak group. While Carbanak focused primarily on banks, Fin7 targeted mostly businesses, potentially making off with millions of dollars in financial assets, such as payment card credentials or account information on the computers of financial departments. Once the threat actors got what they needed, they wired money to offshore accounts.

According to Kaspersky Lab’s new investigation, the group has continued its activity - despite the arrest last year of alleged group leaders - implementing sophisticated spear-phishing campaigns throughout 2018 and distributing malware to each target through specially tailored emails. In different cases, the operators exchanged messages with their intended victims over a period of weeks before finally sending the malicious documents as attachments. Kaspersky Lab estimates that by the end of 2018, more than 130 companies might have been targeted in this way.

The researchers also discovered other criminal teams operating under the Fin7 umbrella. The use of shared infrastructure and the same tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), shows that Fin7 is likely to be collaborating with the AveMaria botnet and groups known as CobaltGoblin/EmpireMonkey, believed to be behind bank robberies in Europe and Central America.

Kaspersky Lab also found that Fin7 has created a fake company that claims to be a legitimate cybersecurity vendor with offices across Russia. The company website is registered to the server that Fin7 uses as a Command and Control center (C&C). The fake business has been used to recruit unsuspecting freelance vulnerability researchers, program developers and interpreters through legitimate online job sites. It seems that some of the individuals working in these fake companies did not suspect that they were involved in a cybercrime business, with many including the experience of working in the organizations in their CVs.

“Modern cyberthreats can be compared to the mythical creature Hydra of Lerna – you cut off one of its heads and it grows two new ones. Therefore, the best way to protect yourself from such actors is to implement advanced, multi-layered protection: install all software patches as soon as they are released and do regular security analysis across all networks, systems and devices,” said Yury Namestnikov, security researcher at Kaspersky Lab.

To reduce the risk of infection, users are advised to:
• Use security solutions with dedicated functionality aimed at detecting and blocking phishing attempts. Businesses can protect their on-premise email systems with targeted applications inside the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business suite. Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 helps to protect the cloud-based mail service Exchange Online inside the Microsoft Office 365 suite.
• Introduce security awareness training and teach practical skills. Programs such as Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform will help to reinforce skills and conduct simulated phishing attacks.
• Provide your security team with access to up to date threat intelligence data, to keep pace with the latest tactics and tools used by cybercriminals.

Scammers target job seekers with sophisticated money-stealing scheme

Kaspersky Lab experts detected a blast of sophisticated spam emails in the first quarter of 2019, featuring fake job-offers that seemed to come from HR-recruiters in large corporations that traditionally attract a lot of interest from potential employees. However, the emails actually came from spammers and installed money -stealing malware on users’ devices.

Spam emails are an often underestimated threat, yet they can spread malware through social engineering methods like deception and psychological manipulation, and claim many victims. To track such emails, Kaspersky Lab researchers use honeypots – virtual ‘traps’ able to detect malicious emails and catch threat actors. For this particular operation, they tracked fraudsters trying to exploit unwary people looking for a new role.

Analysis of the findings from the honeypots is included in the new Spam and Phishing in Q1 2019 report. This shows that recipients of the spam emails were offered a tempting position in a large company. They were invited to join a job search system for free by installing a special application on their device that would provide access to the job-search database. To make the installation process look trustworthy, the attackers accompanied it with a pop-up window carrying the words “DDoS Protection” and a fake message that claimed the user was being redirected to the website of one of the largest recruitment agencies.

In fact, victims were redirected to a cloud storage site from where they would download a malicious installer that looked like a word file. Its function was to download to the victim’s machine the infamous Gozi banking trojan, one of the most commonly used malware for stealing money. Kaspersky Lab detects it as Trojan-Banker.Win32.Gozi.bqr

“We often see spammers using names of large and well known companies – it helps them to succeed in their malicious business and gain people’s trust. Famous brands with a solid reputation can become victims of fraudsters who pretend to be them and lure unsuspecting users into downloading a malicious attachment to their computers. This particular scheme involved the names of both well known recruiting companies and respected businesses, which made it even more sophisticated. One needed to check the email address line for errors to suspect that the job offer was not authentic,” said Maria Vergelis, a security researcher at Kaspersky Lab.

To avoid falling victim to malicious spam, users are advised to:

• Always check the web address of a website you are redirected to, or the link address and the sender’s email, to ensure they are genuine before clicking on them, and make sure that the name of link in the message doesn’t cover another hyperlink.
• Do not click on links in emails, texts, instant messaging or social media posts if they come from people or organizations you don’t know, or have suspicious or unusual addresses. Make sure they are legitimate and start with ‘https’ whenever any personal or financial information is asked for.
• If you are not sure that the company website is real and safe, never enter your personal information.
• Check the company’s official website for open vacancies matching your job skills.
• Make an additional phone call to the company to be sure that the job-offer is real.
• Review your job-offer for possible mistakes: carefully check the company name or job title and responsibilities.
• Use a reliable security solution for comprehensive protection from a wide range of threats, such as Kaspersky Security Cloud

Other finfings of the report include:
• In Q1 2019, the Kaspersky Lab's anti-phishing module prevented 111,832,308 attempts to direct users to scam websites. This is a 24% increase compared to the Q1 2018 figure, which was 90,245,060.
• The banking sector has become the number one target, followed by global internet portals and payment systems.
• Brazil was the country with the largest share of users attacked by phishers in the first quarter of 2019 (22% compared to 19% in Q1 2018). It was followed by Austria (17%) and Spain (17%).
• In the first quarter of 2019, the amount of spam peaked in March (56.3%). The average share of spam in the world’s email traffic was 56%, which is 4% more than in Q1 2018.
• China (16%) was the most popular source of spam, followed by the United States (13%) and Russia (7%).
• The country most targeted by malicious mailshots was Germany with 12%. Vietnam came second with 6%, followed by Russia (5%).

jeudi 30 mai 2019

The Trophy Firm

And here's slightly secret we'll allow you to in on. Mr Trophy Boss (we can name him Ian) typically gets nervous when he's engraving.

my site; Golf Medaillen

Stay safe & prepared gang

Summer is only just beginning... :banghead: :beatdead:

Government Points New Trophy Importation Permits_Take Action Now

The concept was first rolled out forward of the 2006 World Cup in Germany, when the trophy visited 29 nations.

Also visit my site Judo Trophäen (

mercredi 29 mai 2019

Any contact number home services company?

Hai there, in-need of good air-cond servicing and wiring contact number around Serdang

Above Cedar River Flow

I'm thinking of heading to Cedar River Flow this weekend and exploring the Cedar River beyond. I was hoping someone could help me out with some info:
1) How far past the Carry lean-to can you paddle upriver?
2) Is it worth dragging the kayak up the first couple of low spots?
3) Are there any campsites up there along the river beyond the Carry lean-to?
4) Where would I pick up the trail to Carry Pond. Several years back I was up there and could not spot any trail (from the water) in the area that the USGS topo map shows a 4WD road.

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

Scarface May 24

I volunteered for the 46r trail crew project over Memorial Day weekend, and we stayed at the Meadowbrook Campground in Ray Brook. I arrived a day early to do some hiking, but Friday's weather forecast was questionable, so I decided to keep it short. It's possible to hike out directly from the campground, walk along the railroad tracks for a few minutes, and connect with the trail to Scarface. This made my choice of hikes very easy.

The day started with rain, and I woke with a mild headache, so I allowed myself the luxury of a late start and leisurely breakfast while I waited for the weather (and my focus) to improve. I finally got going around 11am.

After turning left from the tracks, I soon came to the memorial bench dedicated to Australian soldier Captain Paul McKay, who died in the area in January 2014. I crossed the stream on an interesting wooden bridge, and continued on. The first 1.5 miles are quite flat, but pleasant, and go by very quickly. The trail climbs gradually after that, and then gets more steep and muddy (though the mud factor was never too bad). There are a few spots where a bit of scrambling was needed, but I was able to find footholds and handholds to aid me (these trails weren't built with 5'6" people in mind ;)). A man and his 2 young sons were coming down as I was going up and they said they were able to manage with no problem.

I passed 2 women who were taking a break from climbing, and entered the "mist zone" after the first set of ledges. Unfortunately, any potential views were socked in, but it felt great just to be out hiking in the woods. A few more hikers were descending, including Chris from MA, who I would also meet at trail crew the next day. We all agreed that this hike was not about sweeping vistas from spectacular viewpoints, but that this was a perfect hike to do on a day when the weather was not ideal. I paused at the open area on the false summit, and then continued on the unmarked trail another 0.4 mi. to the summit marker.

I ate my lunch and sent a text to my boyfriend to let him know I was okay so far, and got ready to leave. The 2 ladies (one local, the other visiting) reached the summit just then, and I had a wonderful conversation with them for a while about challenging ourselves in work, play, and life in general.

I met more hikers on the descent, including 2 guys who were doing the Saranac 6 Ultra, and this was their 3rd peak after Haystack and MacKenzie. They told me about the extremely muddy conditions there, and I let them know that the 46r trail crew would be doing work there for the next few days.

The rest of the hike went by rather fast as I descended, and I soon reached the turn where the flat section began. I took photos of some rusted old items left near the trail (bicycle, hibachi grill, oil can), and wondered when does trail trash achieve the status of "artifacts?"

I retraced my steps the rest of the way, and reached camp with plenty of time to clean up before the rest of the group were expected to arrive. The entire hike took just under 4 hours, and it was nice to be able to take extra time to chat with people and still have plenty of time left in the day to hang out at camp. Doing a hike that wasn't too strenuous set me in "mini-vacation mode" and left me with plenty of energy to enjoy the activities in the days to come.


Stream Brookies

Just got back from a great trip. I did get a bruiser 21"er....but it was a sucker. haha.

most fish in the 15-18" range on average over the entire time. weather was rough, and fish were stubborn. All hunkered down on the bottom in smooth runs and slack water. you'd think the river was lifeless if you didn't get down to where they were.

Tourist traps: phishers and spammers lurk behind thousands of fake flight and accommodation offers

Kaspersky Lab researchers tracking the activity of malicious spammers and phishers have uncovered multiple operations during May seeking to exploit people’s desire to secure a good bargain. Among other things, the researchers found more than 8,000 phishing attacks disguised as offers from popular lodging platforms, as well as several email blasts appearing to come from a legitimate travel brand that signed victims up to paid phone services.

Spam and phishing are among the most effective attack vectors. They manipulate and exploit human behavior, such as brand trust, in a process known as social engineering. The campaigns are often highly convincing, with the attackers using fake sites that are almost identical to the legitimate version, and which easily trick unwary victims into handing over bank card details or paying for a product or service that doesn’t exist.

In the space of just one day (May 21), the researchers detected seven different e-mail blasts disguised as offers from popular booking platforms for airplane tickets and accommodation; with three of them appearing to offer free flights in return for completing a short online survey and sharing the link with others. After three questions, users were asked to enter their phone number, which the fraudsters then used to subscribe the victim to paid mobile services.

Alongside this, the researchers also detected phishing attacks between late April and late May, disguised as popular websites for booking rental accommodation, such as Airbnb (7,917 attacks). In one example, the fraudsters had created a phishing page that closely resembled the legitimate platform, and pretended to offer victims cheap city-center accommodation with high review scores. Once the victim confirmed the booking and transferred the money, the fraudster and the offer disappeared.

“Late spring and early summer are a popular time for scammers, as they exploit people looking for a bargain or a last minute holiday booking. Not only are the fraudulent websites and offers increasingly convincing, more people than ever are booking flights and accommodation on a mobile device such as a smartphone, where it can be harder to spot a fake link, for example. These two trends leave travelers vulnerable to attack. We urge people to use only legitimate websites for booking tickets and accommodation and to make sure they are protected by a security solution with a strong spam and phishing filter that will spot fraudulent approaches before they get to you,” says Andrey Kostin, security researcher at Kaspersky Lab.

Kaspersky Lab recommends taking the following security measure to protect yourself from falling into spammers and phishers’ traps:

• If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. So you’d better avoid it.
• Carefully look at the address bar before entering any sensitive information such as your login and password. If something is wrong with the URL (it’s misspelled, doesn’t look like the original or uses some special symbols instead of letters), don’t enter anything on such sites.
• Book your stay and tickets only on trusted websites of trusted providers, ideally typing the address of their website manually in the address bar.
• Don’t click on links coming from unknown sources (be it in e-mails, messengers or social networks).
• Use a security solution with behavior-based anti-phishing technologies, such as Kaspersky Security Cloud or Kaspersky Total Security, which will warn you if you are trying to visit a phishing web page.

mardi 28 mai 2019

Route 73 Parking Update

High Peaks Map

The 15th edition of the High Peaks map has been released by the ADK. This new edition has many updates including several insets and 20' contours (thank you Tony!).

Need Kayak Rental Lake George Advice Plz

I'm planning on solo island camping at Lake George and would need to rent a kayak to get to the islands and to also cruise the lake for a couple of days.

Can anyone recommend an outfitter or point me in the right direction? I'll need a kayak that can also hold minimal backpacking gear.

Do people commonly kayak to the islands on Lake George for overnights?

Thanks for replies,


NPT from Jessup River Road

Is it possible to access (or at least get close) to the NPT from Jessup River Road during the summer months? thanks

Kayak advice

Looking for kayak buying advice. First time buyer. What is a decent kayak for kayak camping and day trips. Camping trips would typically be 3 days or less. Comfort is important, I am 6’ 240. I’ve been looking at the Old Town Dirigo and Loon as well as Wilderness Pungo 125. I have used an old town casting which was really comfortable but a little on the long side. I believe it was 14’ not easy to get on and off suv alone.

lundi 27 mai 2019

Lost trekking poles

My black and white hiking buddy trekking poles were left in the parking lot of the elk lake trailhead close to the beginning of the trail. They were basically brand new and a birthday gift if found it would be greatly appreciated. I live about two hours away from area and go up everyone other weekend so I’ll be able to get them hopefully.

Memorial Day Story

Kurt Lutter
My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We have an H.R. on this flight." (H.R. stands for human remains.)
"Are they military?" I asked.
'Yes', she said.
'Is there an escort?' I asked.
'Yes, I've already assigned him a seat'.
'Would you please tell him to come to the Flight Deck. You can board him early," I said...
A short while later a young army sergeant entered the flight deck. He was the image of the perfectly dressed soldier. He introduced himself and I asked him about his soldier.
The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as if they are still alive and still with us. 'My soldier is on his way back to Virginia ,' he said. He proceeded to answer my questions, but offered no words.
I asked him if there was anything I could do for him and he said no. I told him that he had the toughest job in the military, and that I appreciated the work that he does for the families of our fallen soldiers. The first officer and I got up out of our seats to shake his hand. He left the Flight Deck to find his seat.
We completed our preflight checks, pushed back and performed an uneventful departure. About 30 minutes into our flight, I received a call from the lead flight attendant in the cabin.
'I just found out the family of the soldier we are carrying, is also on board', she said. She then proceeded to tell me that the father, mother, wife and 2-year old daughter were escorting their son, husband, and father home. The family was upset because they were unable to see the container that the soldier was in before we left.
We were on our way to a major hub at which the family was going to wait four hours for the connecting flight home to Virginia . The father of the soldier told the flight attendant that knowing his son was below him in the cargo compartment and being unable to see him was too much for him and the family to bear. He had asked the flight attendant if there was anything that could be done to allow them to see him upon our arrival. The family wanted to be outside by the cargo door to watch the soldier being taken off the airplane.
I could hear the desperation in the flight attendants voice when she asked me if there was anything I could do. 'I'm on it', I said. I told her that I would get back to her.
Airborne communication with my company normally occurs in the form of e-mail like messages. I decided to bypass this system and contact my flight dispatcher directly on a secondary radio. There is a radio operator in the operations control center who connects you to the telephone of the dispatcher. I was in direct contact with the dispatcher. I explained the situation I had on board with the family and what it was the family wanted. He said he understood and that he would get back to me.
Two hours went by and I had not heard from the dispatcher. We were going to get busy soon and I needed to know what to tell the family. I sent a text message asking for an update. I saved the return message from the dispatcher and the following is the text:
'Captain, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. There is policy on this now, and I had to check on a few things. Upon your arrival a dedicated escort team will meet the aircraft. The team will escort the family to the ramp and plane side. A van will be used to load the remains with a secondary van for the family.
The family will be taken to their departure area and escorted into the terminal, where the remains can be seen on the ramp. It is a private area for the family only. When the connecting aircraft arrives, the family will be escorted onto the ramp and plane side to watch the remains being loaded for the final leg home.
Captain, most of us here in flight control are veterans. Please pass our condolences on to the family. Thanks.
I sent a message back, telling flight control thanks for a good job. I printed out the message and gave it to the lead flight attendant to pass on to the father. The lead flight attendant was very thankful and told me, 'You have no idea how much this will mean to them.'
Things started getting busy for the descent, approach and landing. After landing, we cleared the runway and taxied to the ramp area. The ramp is huge with 15 gates on either side of the alleyway. It is always a busy area with aircraft maneuvering every which way to enter and exit. When we entered the ramp and checked in with the ramp controller, we were told that all traffic was being held for us.
'There is a team in place to meet the aircraft', we were told. It looked like it was all coming together, then I realized that once we turned the seat belt sign off, everyone would stand up at once and delay the family from getting off the airplane. As we approached our gate, I asked the copilot to tell the ramp controller, we were going to stop short of the gate to make an announcement to the passengers. He did that and the ramp controller said, 'Take your time.'
I stopped the aircraft and set the parking brake. I pushed the public address button and said: 'Ladies and gentleman, this is your Captain speaking: I have stopped short of our gate to make a special announcement. We have a passenger on board who deserves our honor and respect. His Name is Private XXXXXX, a soldier who recently lost his life. Private XXXXXX is under your feet in the cargo hold. Escorting him today is Army Sergeant XXXXXXX. Also, on board are his father, mother, wife, and daughter. Your entire flight crew is asking for all passengers to remain in their seats to allow the family to exit the aircraft first. Thank you.'
We continued the turn to the gate, came to a stop and started our shutdown procedures. A couple of minutes later I opened the cockpit door. I found the two forward flight attendants crying, something you just do not see. I was told that after we came to a stop, every passenger on the aircraft stayed in their seats, waiting for the family to exit the aircraft.
When the family got up and gathered their things, a passenger slowly started to clap his hands. Moments later, more passengers joined in and soon the entire aircraft was clapping. Words of 'God Bless You', I'm sorry, thank you, be proud, and other kind words were uttered to the family as they made their way down the aisle and out of the airplane. They were escorted down to the ramp to finally be with their loved one.
Many of the passengers disembarking thanked me for the announcement I had made. They were just words, I told them, I could say them over and over again, but nothing I say will bring back that brave soldier.
I respectfully ask that all of you reflect on this event and the sacrifices that millions of our men and women have made to ensure our freedom and safety in these United States of AMERICA.
Foot note:
I know everyone who reads this will have tears in their eyes, including me. Prayer chain for our Military... PLEASE SHARE THIS! Please send this on after a short prayer for our service men and women.
They die for me and mine and you and yours and deserve our honor and respect.
Prayer Request:
When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world... There is nothing attached. Just send this to people in your address book. Do not let it stop with you. Of all the gifts you could give a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and others deployed in harm's way, prayer is the very best one.
Thank you all who have served, or are serving. We Will not forget!!!

Gomphus dragonfly nymph

Have you guy's ever seen a gomphus dragonfly nymph? Holy cow they are huge! I got out this morning and was treated to one drying on my float tube bag. It must have just emerged because the shuck was right next to it. I gently picked it up and put it in a shrub next to the water. Poor thing was all wobbly and soft.

I tied up some this winter (#6) and thought they were too big but no way. In fact I think I need to tie them larger. Going to try finger twisting one off the bottom next time. I can see some big trout going after them.

Had a great day. Caught a bunch of trout on leeches and emergers. Lost a few too. Sorry no camera and hence no pics today. It was one of those magic days.

Peekamoose trailhead question?

Hey everyone. I’m heading up to the Catskills today after work. I need some help on directions to the Peekamoose-Table Mountain trailhead. I’m coming from New Jersey up the NY Thruway/ I87. Even just an address I can put in my google or apple maps will suffice To get me to the general area.

Thanks in advance

samedi 25 mai 2019

Indian Lake Road

Hi, wondering what the road is like to trailhead by Squaw Lake. Is it drivable in a car, ot is it not suitable for low clearance vehicles. Thanks!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Lost paddle Lower Moose

Werner Shogun floated away from owner on Lower Moose. If found it would be great to get it back. Thanks, Dave. Phone is: Seven 2 4, Two 3 8, Nine 4 Seven 2

jeudi 23 mai 2019

Waterfalls of Burgess Brook Gorge-SGL 57


Rugged hike into an impressive gorge with many waterfalls.

Shelving Rock 5/22

Beautiful day for a mini adventure,in the hi 60's with very few black flies.The dirt road is in excellent shape in preparation for the long weekend.Four of us including our 87 year young uncle chilled on the top enjoying the Lake George views.Trail only had a few wet spots but mostly dry.

mercredi 22 mai 2019

MinoxiMed membeli, harga, kajian

MinoxiMed, ulasan, tindakan, harga, di mana untuk membeli
Setiap orang ketiga di antara umur 25-40 tahun, yang telah pun bermula. Kesimpulannya, walaupun folikel rambut yang meliputi hampir seluruh tubuh kita, kita tidak boleh menganggap mereka sebagai satu struktur. Kumpulan yang berbeza folikel rambut, mereka memicu pelbagai kehilangan rambut. Aku tidak melihat banyak perubahan, tetapi pendek, memohon, jadi mungkin sesuatu yang lain akan berubah. Rakan sekerja lakukan, dan dia lakukan.
MinoxiMed membeli

MinoxiMed tapak pengilang
Hi, aku punya pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan ubat ini jika itu akan membantu saya untuk rambutnya untuk dia pinggang, karena ia tidak baik. dan woule di mana ia dapat dibeli di setiap toko dan berapa banyak biaya,,,, dan bagaimana ia menyumbang ke nil kali ia digunakan, dan jika saya selepas itu, tiada apa-apa yang berlaku tolong beritahu saya kerana saya suka mempunyai rambut panjang.
Telur dan zaitun dalam mangkuk. Roztrzep telur perlahan-lahan dengan garpu untuk mendapatkan minyak zaitun. Tempat di dalam mangkuk yang akan datang untuk mandi, mencuci rambut anda syampu pembersihan dan kemudian menggunakan campuran telur pada rambut. Bungkus rambut di bawah topi yang hangat baju renang beg atau menggagalkan dan biarkan untuk 10-15 minit. Pada akhirnya membilas rambut anda dengan air sejuk dan memohon kegemaran anda dingin. Dalam beberapa menit, mencuci rambut anda dan biarkan kering.
Sebuah akar burdock ekstrak (Arctium Lappa Ekstrak Akar) – alat yang sangat diperlukan untuk penjagaan rambut yang mempunyai ciri-ciri yang kuat, menguatkan rambut struktur, menghalang pecahnya rambut dan kekeringan. Jika mereka mengatur pertemuan untuk orang-orang yang sedang berjuang dengan ini penyakit yang mengerikan ,jika Ya, maka saya meminta anda untuk menulis di forum ini.
Tidak selalu memohon pada Mac, khususnya, apabila tidak ada perubahan. menipis di atas kepala membuktikan apa-apa. Sering, ini berlaku apabila botak telogenowym hormonozależnym. Kemungkinan besar, Ibumu tidak botak androgenic hanya telogenowe disebabkan oleh kekurangan estradiol.

MinoxiMed ulasan doktor

MinoxiMed kesan
Seperti yang dinyatakan, kau juga bisa melakukan ujian yang dipanggil sebagai trichogramem. Ia adalah mikroskopik anggaran kira-kira 100 rambut yang diambil dari empat atau lima distrik di kepala. Popular s± folikel rambut dan batang rambut. Kesimpulan yang±ce penyelidikan p± adalah sangat berharga untuk menentukan penyebab kehilangan rambut dan rawatan yang sesuai. Kajian itu boleh dilakukan di pejabat atau kekeliruan estetika perubatan. kos untuk analisis ini adalah tentang 150 rubles.
Tidak, serum N°1 rambut terapi adalah produk yang anda tidak dapat menyembuhkan kehilangan rambut. Termasuk dalam dadah kompleks asam amino membantu untuk mengurangkan radang, yang boleh menyebabkan berbagai jenis masalah kulit. Persiapan yang harus digunakan segera setelah pengesanan pertama tanda-tanda meningkatkan kehilangan rambut.
Menopause dibagi menjadi empat podokresy: premenopauzy, perimenopauzy, kan menopause dan postmenopauzy. Dalam tempoh keseluruhan tidak beransur-ansur dan berterusan aktiviti aktiviti hormon ovariumnya dan mengurangkan estrogen di dalam darah. Ini perubahan hormon mempengaruhi banyak organ-organ dalam tubuh kita termasuk organ terbesar kulit. Ini adalah karena kulit di pendedahan berterusan ke hormon seks, terima kasih banyak reseptor telah diaktifkan, yang dijumpai di dalam kulit seluruh tubuh. Sebagai hasil tingkat yang lebih rendah estrogen dan progesteron perubahan pada kulit, seperti yang berlebihan kekeringan dan kulit yang kendur, kedutan, berhentinya. Pada waktu ini juga boleh sampai ke pembangunan ciri-ciri penyakit, seperti base, radang selaput lendir faraj dan vulva, hirsutyzmu, kehilangan rambut dan gangguan kemerahan di muka.
Anda adalah kesempurnaan, racjonalistka romantis alam dengan banyak mimpi. Selalu shift. Selama bertahun-tahun, siapa yang suka memasak, membakar, buku-buku yang baik, program TV dan film. Suka haiwan. Gembira “pansia” lucu “anjing” – pomeraniana Charlie, yang adalah favoritnya. Bila Gemar, hari ini rozkochana di minimalizmie. Sistematik latihan, makan hak dan cinta semua kesihatan. Suka fesyen dan melihatnya sebagai bentuk seni. Kadang-kadang ia tergantung di menggoda dengan foto.. terlalu banyak kelabu sekitar, untuk membuat dunia yang mengelilingi dia. Musik adalah seperti ubat untuk dia, dan sering menentukan dia nastoju. Magda juga selalu terpesona untuk membina hubungan dengan orang lain. Cuba untuk menangkap momen untuk hadir. Blog dicipta untuk menangkap momen dan berbagi pandangan mereka terhadap banyak masalah dan juga untuk sekarang mereka kulinarno-lajfstajlowe acara itu.
TRX2 tidak boleh diambil jika kau alergi untuk apa-apa bahan-bahan. Tidak melebihi disarankan hidangan untuk dimakan di siang hari. Anda harus ingat bahwa tidak ada makanan tambahan yang tidak boleh digunakan sebagai ganti makanan yang seimbang. Hanya bersama-sama dengan pelbagai dan seimbang, Tambahan tidak hanya itu cara yang disarankan menyumbang kepada betul pembangunan atau fungsi tubuh, tetapi juga menyimpan penuh tenaga.
Rambut tumbuh terus, selepas neogenezie folikel rambut di embrio hidup, ketika ia menetapkan), dan jumlah mereka, seperti umur osobniczym boleh mengurangkan. Panjang siklus secara keseluruhan adalah yang paling lama untuk rambut panjang. Ia adalah kerana menyerang konstytucjonalnymi, warunkującymi warna rambut, ciri-ciri, bangsa dan keluarga juga dipengaruhi oleh hormon, terutamanya androgenom. Dalam keadaan fisiologi, kepala adalah kira-kira 80% daripada bulu dalam pertumbuhan fasa (anagenu), 1% dalam tempoh kesukaran mentol rambut (katagenu), dan yang tinggal 19 persen adalah rambut dalam tempoh yang tidak aktif (telogenu), itu adalah untuk mengatakan, nierosnące, kadang-kadang, ini penting kuantiti yang ditemui dalam peratusan kecil dystrophic rambut atau tidak dikenali.

MinoxiMed farmasi
Kajian keratan dari sempadan berubah dan sihat kulit menunjukkan penyusupan radang dermis dan seluruh kapal. Dalam mikroskop elektron wycinkach dari sisi perubahan warna, ia ditemui wakuolizację basal lapisan dan pengumpulan batu zewnątrzkomórkowych, berat, terutama dalam kes-kes cepat berjalan penyakit (17).
pastikan bahwa diet harus menjadi kaya dalam B-vitamin, besi, zing dan tembaga. Makan yang banyak ikan ( omega-3! ) dan sayur-sayuran. Yang PENTING! Ini jenis dadah hanya boleh digunakan oleh pria berumur 18 untuk 65 tahun. Jika itu wujud , tetapi kehilangan rambut dan botak, ada cara lain.
ini inovatif dingin dibuat dengan Botani sel-sel stem. Berhenti kehilangan rambut dan merangsang pertumbuhan rambut. Santan kelapa susu kaya dengan protein, besi, kalium dan lemak penting. Mengurangkan kerosakan kepada struktur rambut dan memberikan jumlah.

DEC on Boreas Access

This just in from the DEC:

DEC to Increase Access to Boreas Ponds this Summer

Motor Vehicle Access will be Limited to Weekends Until Work is Complete

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will work to create additional access and recreational infrastructure in the Boreas Ponds Tract in the High Peaks Wilderness this June and July.

DEC Regional Director Bob Stegemann said, "Nestled deep inside New York's spectacular Adirondack High Peaks, Boreas Ponds offers a world-class outdoor experience with stunning and breathtaking beauty. DEC has taken special care to craft an access plan to the Boreas tract that strikes the delicate balance to conserve, protect and responsibly promote this special state treasure."

Gulf Brook Road is currently closed for the spring mud season. Due to the amount of snow this winter and the amount of rain this spring, the road will not open until after Memorial Day weekend. After the road has dried and hardened, and basic maintenance has been completed, motorists will be able to access the Fly Pond Parking Area on weekends only.

Paddlers will be able to access Boreas Pond and other waterways by carrying canoes, kayaks, and stand up paddleboards 2.5 miles from the Fly Pond Parking Area to LaBier Flow; paddle the length of LaBier Flow; and then carry another 0.5 mile between the flow and Boreas Pond.

Until the end of July, Gulf Brook Road will be closed to public motor vehicle use during the week while DEC crews conduct road work and other construction projects. Hikers, bicyclists, and horses will be allowed to use the road during the week but should use caution around construction sites and obey all instructions from workers.

Beginning in August, motorists will be able to travel further on the Gulf Brook Road and access additional infrastructure. DEC will announce the availability of the additional access once the work is complete.

The Adirondack Backcountry Information web pages provide current information on the status of seasonal access roads - including Gulf Brook Road - trails, and other conditions.

Kane Mt, SMWF, 22 May, 2019

When the weatherman gives the forecast an A+, you alter your plans to work in some outdoor activity. Neal doesn't give out too many A+ days, so this was a no-brainer. I pushed my re-supply run up to the cabin by a couple days and worked in a short, but enjoyable, hike to Kane Mt. in the Shaker Mt. Wild Forest.

I arrived at the turn-off for Green Lake Rd. at a decent hour this morning.

I was the only vehicle in the firm, but heavily rutted, parking lot.

I decided to go up the North Trail today and followed the Yellow Disks into the woods and up a small shoulder of Kane Mt.

The singing warblers, sights and smells of the spring woods were intoxicating. I was pleased to see a few trillium hanging on.

After a while, the trail turned SW and began to climb in earnest. The pitch was steep, but it was only for a few hundred feet. I came out onto the summit ridge and marveled at some of the boulders along the way.

Some were quite large.

Nearing the top, the fire tower came into view.

Knowing I wasn't going to make it to the top today due to my totally rational fear of heights, I was happy to enjoy the scenery from below. I was also happy to see that a DEC crew (or volunteers?) had freshly painted over some nasty graffiti that had been recently applied.

With the smell of fresh paint still in the air, I poked around the old cabin and was happy to catch a view of Canada Lake through the trees.

All that was left to do was to head back down the Red Disked, East Trail. While the North Trail was recently cut, the East Trail has been around forever. It really showed some wear and tear as exposed bedrock poked out from time to time.

Back at the parking lot, there were two vehicles next to mine, but I didn't see a soul all morning. The trail conditions were great with only a few blowdown and one or two wet spots. Most importantly, I only found two small pieces of trash! :clap: The painting crew must have cleaned up. Thanks again to those folks.

As I was leaving, two young women in a Prius were driving into the parking lot a little fast and were scraping their bottom (so to speak). Low clearance vehicles should have no problem here...if they slow down. ;)

pointing dog trainers

anyone know of a good pointing dog trainer in north eastern NY or north western VT? I have a Brittany that I need a little help with.

Newbie questions

I have never owned a boat, nor have I gone on any significant canoe or kayak expedition (say more than 3 hours). Reading The Trails of the Adirondacks has triggered my interest in knowing more about paddling in the area. But being such a newbie, I have no idea where to start.

Here is some background:
- I generally find that kayaks are more comfortable - in fact, I rarely find comfort in a canoe, but maybe I'm doing it wrong
- I enjoy fishing (as a leasurly activity, nothing serious), but I probably would not be confident enough to fish out of a canoe, much less of a kayak
- my significant other does not enjoy camping, so overnight trips are probably out of the question
- I'm not scared of a little portage

So, for starters, what would make the most sense? A 2-person canoe? Two 1-person kayaks? Other?

I realize this might seem stupid, I am truly a newbie in paddling.

Indian Lake vs Blue Mountain Lake

First post, wooo. I have never been to the Adirondacks before and I am very excited to say that I will be heading up from Philadelphia the first week of September. I will be staying at either Indian Lake or Blue Mountain Lake and I am wondering about the difference in Lakes via a fishing standpoint. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I will have a small boat with a 25hp outboard. Thank you!!

lundi 20 mai 2019

A couple nights in the WCLW


Short Story:
A wonderful trip! The number of Loons I saw far exceeded the number of people. The black flies were low in strength and did not require any evasive or defensive maneuvers.

Long Story:
I've been in serious need of some peace and solitude so I planned an overdue long weekend in the back country. Told the boss not to look for me on Monday and made plans to get out to what should be a quiet area for a couple nights.

Made it to Piseco trailhead by 7:30 Saturday morning and methodically trekked in to West Lake, stopping only to have lunch with the loons on Spruce Lake. The weather was gorgeous so miles just flew by. The trail was in good spring condition (i.e. muddy) up to the Jessup with plenty of winter blow down thereafter. I knew early season would mean wet and muddy boots and a little more work so this didn't bother me.

By the time I got to West Lake Lean-To I had had enough fun so I called it an early day around 3:30. Anything more likely would've been type 3 fun. :evil: and why pass up such a view! I spent my time with camp chores, relaxation, and watching the bobber float motionless between pages of my book. The rest of the evening was spent drying my boots by the fire, indulging in my IPA and enjoying the sunset.Shortly before sunset a Cornell PHD student joined me. He had hiked all the way in from Mason Lake area after discovering the road was closed :banghead:. His ignorance was permissible since it was only his second time in the Adirondacks.

I woke up in the middle of the night to see that the clouds had given way to the full moon. It was super bright!

I knew from the forecast that Sunday might be interesting. This was reinforced when I saw the wind change direction twice within a couple hours :eh?: The day was sunny and humid but still quite enjoyable.

Making tracks I headed to the main objective of the weekend: Brook Trout Lake. I had heard many good things about it and they all may be selling it short. What a gorgeous place! I really wish I had more time to enjoy it..... oh wait I mean it was terrible. A complete dump! Who in their right mind would ever go there ;) The rest of my day was spent working up a sweat trying to make it back to Spruce Lake before the weather. Barely made it!

Arrived at Spruce Lake #3 under a few light raindrops and rumbles in the distance. I collapsed into the empty Lean-To and spent some quality time recovering from my efforts. A light thunderstorm soon passed through but I knew it wasn't the main event. Near or distant, the thunder would not completely stop until after midnight.

Around 7pm I was looking out over a glass calm Spruce Lake, listening to distant thunder, when I saw the front come barreling over the ridge. It was impressive and fun to watch yet reminded me of my own frailty as a man.

My exit Monday morning was super wet after the heavy rain overnight. The Jessup River would have been a bit of a challenge had my boots not already been completely soaked.

Stashed boats

I know this has been asked before- but can one legally leave a boat on the shore of a remote river/lake/pond in the Adirondacks? I know we have seen them at the end of almost every water hike in the Park we have taken and it seems like a good idea, but what is the legality? And if one leaves them, are they now public property for anyone to use?

samedi 18 mai 2019

Are Browns Invasives??

Went to my favorite Adk stream today that's a hike to get to but awesome for stream brookies. Very rare to find one >12", but I was lucky a couple weeks back with the first pic. While I landed a few smaller ones, I thought I'd hooked a biggin like you pond anglers--until it turned out to be the brown in the second pic. Don't get me wrong, I love brown trout fishing, just not where I expect to exclusively catch brookies. The DEC does not stock this location and I've never caught a brown in many, many outings. So I'm not sure what to make of this. A few enthusiast friends of mine consider all browns to be invasives. What say you all?


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vendredi 17 mai 2019

Bear Run Trail-Tioga State Forest


A scenic and rugged gorge with boulders, cascades, falls and rapids. Near the site of the abandoned mining town of Landrus.

Boone Run Falls-Tioga State Forest


A beautiful glen with hemlocks, cascades, and waterfalls. Located near Blossburg.

Black Fly report 2019

Traveling to Indian Lake Memoeial Day Weekend. I’m hoping to learn how the black flies have been? I don’t think this is a duplicate thread. Didn’t see one yet. Thanks for the help. Happy Camping(and fishing and hiking and boating and exploring and mountaineering and canoeing and rafting etc etc etc)

jeudi 16 mai 2019

Hunting in the Adirondacks with a scout rifle

Does anyone have experience using a scout type rifle for tracking/hunting deer in the Adirondacks. I am just getting started hunting up north, and have already heard many of the arguments related to using the Remington pump, various lever actions and bolt rifles. I was looking at the Savage Scout 110, and it looks like a light, easy to carry and quick to point rifle. I am interested in hearing from people who have actually used one of these scout rifles. Thanks.

Rocky Peak Ridge (2)

Whenever anyone asks about time to hike from here-to-there, the first thing anyone wants to know is skill level. So before I ask, here's my basic stuff. I'm 68 but fortunately in very good health, and I have been coming up to the Adirondacks for over 40 years from Cleveland. Here in Cleveland I do 20 minute trail miles (but of course we have no elevation gain to speak of). I have only done this many miles once, many years ago. My typical climb has been around 2000' give or take, and perhaps 7-8 miles. I have climbed a good number of mountains, including Gothic, Saddleback (both directions), Basin, Marcy, Haystack, Gray, Table, Colden, Algonquin, Skylight, Whiteface, Giant, etc. The big ones I did mostly one at a time. I'm slow but relatively steady. I will be attempting RPR in two weeks from New Russia, going in and coming out the same way. So here's my question: I am giving myself 12 hours to do it. My plan is to hit the trail by 7am, which would get me back to my car, naturally, at 7pm. I will have a headlamp with me (though I have never hiked at night), so I feel that even 14 hours can be done safely. Any of you who have hiked in and out on the East Trail, how long did it take you to get to RPR vs the return trip to the trailhead? I'm aware of the lack of water and the need to carry what I need (will have a filter), and that I am looking at 5000' of elevation gain. I climbed Snowy right after Irene, and was surprised at the amount of rocks I had to climb over and around toward the top. I read somewhere that the approach to RPR itself is similar to Snowy. Is that accurate? Any other info anyone might be able to shoot my way would be greatly appreciated. In closing, I know my body, and I know not to get stupid. Just want to have a solid idea of what I am facing going in.

Tinh cach bieu hien nhu the nao qua hinh thai chung van tay

Tính cách biểu hiện như thế nào qua hình thái chủng vân tay

Các nhà khoa học đã nghiên cứu và chỉ ra được rằng, thông qua việc phân tích hình ảnh dấu vân tay chúng ta có thể dễ dàng đánh giá được tính cách đặc trưng. Vậy Tính cách biểu hiện như thế nào qua hình thái chủng vân tay?

Mời bạn cùng Sinh trac hoc van tay trắc vân tay Elite Symbol tìm hiểu và làm rõ nội dung này trong bài viết dưới đây.

Tính cách của mỗi cá nhân thường biểu hiện chủ yếu qua hình thái chủng vân của 4 ngón tay, bao gồm: 2 ngón tay cái ( L1 và R1) là những đặc tính mà người đó thể hiện ra bên ngoài, 2 ngón tay trỏ (L2 và R2) là những suy nghĩ bên trong, đây cũng có thể coi là những suy nghĩ nội tâm của người đó.

Mỗi ngón tay thực hiện một chức năng khác nhau

Nếu có được hình ảnh vân tay ở cả 4 ngón này của bất kỳ một cá nhân nào đó, bạn có thể hiểu được cả đặc tính thể hiện bên ngoài và đọc được cả cách suy nghĩ người đó.

R1- Ngón cái tay phải: là đặc tính hướng ngoại mang tính tự chủ, do chủ thể vận hành và kiểm soát.

R2- Ngón tay phải: mang tính tư duy, xâu chuỗi , sắp xếp các mảnh ghép theo trật tự logic.

Tính cách biểu hiện như thế nào qua hình thái chủng vân tay

L1 – Ngón cái tay trái: là đặc tính hướng ngoại mang tính bản năng tự nhiên. Đây là những tính cách mà con người thể hiện ra ngoài một cách không kiểm soát khiến cho người đối diện nhận thấy ngay.

L2- Ngón trỏ tay trái: mang tính tưởng tưởng hình dung ra bối cảnh hay các tính huống.

Mặc dù chỉ thông qua hình ảnh chủng vân của 4 ngón tay này, đặc tính của con người được thể hiện rất đa dạng. Dù có sự giống nhau ở một số đặc tính giữa nhiều người do sở hữu cùng chủng loại vân tay ở 1 ngón nào đó trong 4 ngón tay, ước tính có khoảng hơn 40 nghìn đặc tính chi tiết là khác nhau.

Có thể cả 4 ngón tay đều xuất hiện cùng 1 chủng loại vân. Với trường hợp này, tính cách và cách suy nghĩ của chủ thể sẽ dễ dàng và gần như theo kiểu nghĩ sao nói vậy, thẳng thắn và ít có sự mâu thuẫn.

Sẽ có những trường hợp mà mỗi ngón tay của chủ thể lại sở hữu một Chung van tay thien tai khác nhau. Những người này thường có tính cách đa dạng, thuộc trường hợp nghĩ 1 đằng , nhưng lại thể hiện một kiểu, thậm chi là thể hiện tính cách rất phức tạp, lúc thế này, lúc thế khác, khó đoán trước. Đó chính là đặc tính đa dạng lai tạp và không nhất quán giữa các chủng loại vân khác nhau xuất hiện trên 4 ngón tay.

Sinh trắc vân tay để xác định tính cách

Với dân số lên đến hàng tỷ người trên toàn thế giới, việc nhận thấy nhiều đặc tính trùng lặp và giống nhau giữa các cá thể là hoàn toàn hợp lý, đấy chính là sự hòa hợp để chung sống trong một cộng đồng. Việc hiểu rõ đặc tính của một con người sẽ giúp chúng ta lỹ giải được vì sao người này cư xử thế này, mà người khác lại cư xử khác.

Trên đây chúng ta tìm hiểu Tính cách biểu hiện như thế nào qua hình thái chủng vân tay. Để biết mình có thuộc chủng vân tay nào, có đặc trưng tính cách ra sao cách đơn giản và hiệu quả nhất chính là thực hiện sinh trắc vân tay. Nhờ vào những vai trò to lớn mà sinh trắc học vân tay giúp con người có thể phát huy thế mạnh giá trị của bản thân và định hình được con đường cho chính mình.

Hãy liên hệ ngay với Elite Symbol để hiểu Sinh trắc vân tay là gì và khám phá bản thân mình và xây dựng thành công ngay hôm nay bạn nhé. Chúc bạn thành công.

Exploring the environs of Negro Lake

I have been told the lake got its name from a strain of brooktrout that had particularly dark bellies. It is how it is labeled on the map and I know of no other name for the body of water, other than an even less expectable one from older maps.
It is located in the Five Ponds Wilderness in the Western Adirondacks. The journey would entail 12 miles of lake paddling, 2 miles of trail carry and another 5 miles of bushwhacking. The only objective was to better acquaint with the territory around the lake.

South Meadow Lake Placid

Hi all.

Looking for information on regulations on hunting in this area of the High Peaks?

mercredi 15 mai 2019

Phishing without borders, or why you need to update your router

What is the most common threat across cyberspace these days? It’s still phishing — there’s nothing new under the sun. But today’s router-based phishing doesn’t require you to fall for a hoax e-mail message. In fact, you can follow a whole bunch of standard rules — avoid using public Wi-Fi, hover over links before clicking, and so forth — but in the situation we discuss here, those rules won’t help. Let’s take a closer look at phishing schemes that involve hijacked routers.
How routers end up being hijacked?
In general, there are two basic ways to hijack a router. The first approach is to take advantage of default credentials. You see, every router has an administrator password — not the one you use to connect to your Wi-Fi, the one you use to log in to the router’s administrator panel and to change its settings.

Although users can change the password, most leave it unchanged. And when we keep the default password set by a router’s manufacturer, outsiders can guess — or sometimes even Google — it.

Here's an instruction manual

The second approach is to exploit a vulnerability in a router’s firmware (of which there is no shortage) that allows a hacker to take control of the router without any password at all.

Either way, criminals can do their thing remotely, automatically, and on a massive scale. Hijacked routers can provide diverse benefits, but the one we’re going to focus on here is phishing that is extremely hard to spot.:yawn:

Day Pack Size

I am wondering which you prefer, a lightweight but full size backpack for a long day hike with elevation, or a smaller day pack. Each carrying the same amount of stuff.

Black Pond, HLWF, 15 May, 2019

It's been a while since I've done anything that warrants a formal ADK Forum trip report. Today, I was on my way to the St. Lawrence valley to help my daughter move back home after her spring semester. Uncle Tredhed accompanied me to help move bins of dirty laundry, chemistry textbooks and assorted college kid stuff. Since we were spending Tuesday night at the Hamilton County Mosquito Preserve, we decided to sneak a hike in on our way north this morning.

After a quick cup of coffee at the cabin, we were on our way up Rt. 30. Immediately, we noticed the snow covered peaks of Pillsbury, Snowy and Blue as the truck chugged it's way north. Our destination today was a pretty low key affair; Black Pond in the Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest.

We hit the trailhead on Rt. 421 fairly early.

The woods were wet from all the recent rain, but the trail was very well drained as it zig-zagged around some private land.

The well marked trail was relatively flat, with only a few ups and downs. We both noticed that the understory was almost exclusively trout lily. Strange to see so much of it. :confused:

After a short and very enjoyable walk, we approached the marshy shore of Black Pond.

We worked our way around to a small peninsula on the east shore and were treated to a great view down the length of the 27 acre pond.

We spend a few minutes basking in the early spring air. The warblers were singing up a storm and it was very peaceful. Soon enough, we had to head back down the trail. Just before the intersection of Rt. 30, we stopped at the Bog River Falls bridge to view the scenery. It was very impressive today.

All that was left to do was drive up to school, fill the truck with dirty laundry and get home in one piece. We took the long way, down Rt 73, admiring the fresh snow on the high peaks. A quick stop at the Noonmark for pie rounded out a great circumnavigation of the Adirondack Park; complete with a nice stretch of the legs at Black Pond. :clap:

Jabe Pond - Hague, NY

Has anyone ventured in to Jabe Pond in Hague, NY? I was wondering how the access road is?

Valgorect ulasan, membeli, harga

Valgorect ? harga, forum, di mana untuk beli di apotek, Spanyol, bunions, pendapat

Semua akhir dari rasa malu, rasa sakit dan ketidaknyamanan saat berjalan. Penemuan amerika menghilangkan bunions dan sedap dipandang kelainan bentuk kaki bahkan dalam 7 hari. Sederhana, alami dan permanen. Para ahli diantaranya: likuidasi efektif bunion di rumah merupakan terobosan medis yang nyata. Selalu, tentu saja.
Valgorect membeli asli, harga.
Valgorect ide utama adalah untuk menganggap bahwa deposit mineral yang menyebabkan deformasi, larutkan di bawah pengaruh gel, dan kolam kembali ke posisi semula.

Hal ini tidak diperlukan untuk perawatan lebih lanjut, seperti stabilisator dan platform. Seperti itu tidak ada masa rehabilitasi, dan pasien dapat segera kembali ke rutinitas harian anda.

Valgorect ? karya ? ulasan ? Indonesia ? forum
Saya ingin menunjukkan (ini penting), forum ulasan bahwa produk ini tidak menyebabkan rasa sakit atau efek samping. Sebaliknya, berkat aksi menghilangkan peradangan. Pasien merasa lega dalam 24 jam pertama.

Hal ini layak untuk memantau kondisi kaki dan tidak ragu-ragu ketika gejala pertama muncul, karena konsekuensi dari penyakit ini tidak dapat diubah dan sulit untuk mengobati. Di pasar ada sejumlah cara untuk mengurangi anomali di kaki. Obat, Valgorect karya sepatu dengan sisipan khusus setelah gel yang mengurangi rasa sakit. Salah satu dari mereka adalah Valgorect. Jika hal ini efektif? Atau mengurangi risiko bunions? Membaca artikel ini dan Indonesia belajar tentang gel untuk pengobatan bunion Valgorect.

Valgorect ? komentar dari pembaca

Tim editorial kami menerima forum ulasan banyak pesan dengan pendapat dari pengguna Valgorect gel. Kami berharap bahwa anda akan membantu anda untuk memutuskan masalah untuk memutuskan penggunaan Valgorect. Pendapat tentang Valgorect karya efek gel Valgorect pasti netral. Mungkin dalam memerangi bunion untuk menggunakan berbagai metode. Apa yang lebih mungkin adalah bahwa pada sebagian besar kasus, satu-satunya keselamatan operasi atau jangka panjang pengobatan farmakologis. Layak melihat keluar untuk produk Indonesia yang mengurangi rasa sakit, dan hal ini tentunya Valgorect.

Valgorect ? komentar ? komposisi ? bahan-bahan ? cara mengambil

Resep dari komposisi Valgorect didasarkan pada komposisi bumbu dan resep dari abad ke-18. Produk ini dikembangkan berdasarkan resep cara mengambil Valgorect dasar herbal. Ini adalah produk bersertifikat sesuai dengan kualitas dan keamanan. Produsen menjamin hasil yang tahan lama tanpa efek samping. Komponen utama dari gel dari Valgorect:

Valgorect ? komentar ? komposisi ? bahan-bahan ? cara mengambilSymphytum Officinale-mengurangi rasa sakit dan peradangan, komposisi komentar meregenerasi sel, dengan konsentrasi tinggi alatoniny, rusak

Cynodon Dactylon-meningkatkan sirkulasi di daerah halluksa, menghilangkan kelebihan garam, deformasi kolam, bahan-bahan merangsang pemulihan jaringan

Taraxacum Officinale-mengurangi peradangan cara mengambil Valgorect di kaki godfather sendi dan jaringan, mencegah pengerasan halluksa.

Kami telah bekerja dengan spesialis terbaik di bidang kedokteran, komposisi komentar untuk menciptakan obat yang akan membantu jutaan orang.

Kami hanya menggunakan bahan-bahan alami, hati-hati menggabungkan teknologi dari dua PULUH abad pertama dan resep lama. Dengan peralatan bahan-bahan canggih dari laboratorium, kita harus sangat terkonsentrasi ekstrak dari masing-masing komponen dari alam. Apa yang membuat Valgorect adalah 58% lebih efektif

Efek samping ? kontraindikasi ? membuat buruk Valgorect
Valgorect ? di mana untuk membeli? Apotek, Amazon. Harga

Valgorect ? di mana untuk membeli? Apotek, Amazon. PrecioComo editor membuat buruk Valgorect merekomendasikan bahwa anda meminta pekerjaan langsung dari produsen. Hanya sedemikian rupa untuk menghindari produk palsu dapat merusak kesehatan. Hal ini tidak dianjurkan untuk membeli dari sumber lain, kontraindikasi seperti anda menemukan produk yang tidak asli dan berbahaya.

Semakin, belanja Internet di situs-situs seperti Amazon. Namun, efek samping dengan memilih jalan anda harus memiliki beberapa risiko. Tidak ada akhir yang pasti dari apa yang saya Beli dan pastikan itu adalah produk asli. Yang paling efektif-biaya untuk pembelian oleh produsen. Seperti yang sudah disebutkan, harga persiapan langsung di toko produsen sangat menarik. Sementara untuk membeli di toko atau di apotek itu tidak mungkin pada saat ini dan tidak membuat buruk Valgorect ada indikasi untuk perubahan yang diinginkan.

Valgorect ? Pendapat ahli

Para peneliti di Philadelphia telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa gel inovatif ortopedi meningkatkan aliran darah, kontraindikasi memperbaharui jaringan yang rusak dari kaki dan membantu untuk memperkuat lemah sendi. Para peneliti menunjukkan bahwa itu adalah sebuah revolusi sejati dalam perjuangan melawan bunion. Metode modern tidak memerlukan konsultasi medis memalukan atau menjalani operasi mahal, efek samping setelah yang bekas luka yang menyakitkan.

Sebelum tidur oleskan gel pada kaki pengkor, membuat buruk Valgorect keesokan harinya merasa lega berbeda, dan mengamati pengurangan edema. Di pasar ada banyak produk serupa, tapi hanya cream yang terbuat kontraindikasi dari kualitas tertinggi ortopedi komponen ini sangat stabil. Valgorect saat ini kamera hanya tersedia secara komersial dibuat dari set asli efek samping dari tumbuhan alami dan ekstrak herbal.

Valgorect ? dimana untuk membeli ? mercadona ? apotek ? harga ? Amazon aliexpress
Cara menggunakan

Sejumlah kecil Valgorect pijat dimana untuk membeli Valgorect selama 3 menit di tempat sakit atau lesi inflamasi dan degeneratif. Download gel harus benar-benar diserap harga apotek dalam perjalanan dari pijat. Disarankan untuk menggunakan 2 ? 3 kali sehari dalam waktu 14 hari. Gel tidak boleh digunakan pada luka mercadona Amazon aliexpress dan kulit yang terkena.

Cara menggunakan


Beberapa bulan yang lalu untuk gel hanya melawan dimana untuk membeli Valgorect dan kondisi kaki ini hanya digunakan di klinik rehabilitasi diakui untuk atlet. Segera dia luar biasa efektivitas mulai meyakinkan ortopedi berturut-turut dan pasien mereka sudah setelah penggunaan pertama dari membuang secara permanen dari rasa sakit, harga apotek pembengkakan dan ketidaknyamanan. Para ahli menjelaskan: komposisi spesialis ortopedi krim diterapkan bersama-sama dengan tepat mengembangkan pembangunan mercadona Amazon aliexpress secara efektif menstabilkan kaki, memperkuat otot-otot dan sendi.

mardi 14 mai 2019

Gỗ Tần Bì Với Những Ưu Điểm Tuyệt Vời

TigerWood (0907.665.335) là nhà cung cấp Gỗ Tần Bì với hy vọng mang lại cho khách hàng những loại gỗ tốt, chất lượng cao, giá cả cạnh tranh nhất trên thị trường.
Gỗ Tần Bì với tên tiếng anh là Gỗ ash, hiện đang là một cái tên hot trên thị trường gỗ ngày nay, loại gỗ này khá giống như gỗ sồi Châu Âu. Đươc phân bố chủ yếu ở các vùng Bắc Mỹ và Châu Âu, gỗ tần bì thường được sử dụng ở trong thiết kế đồ nội thất sang trọng trong gia đình.

Vậy Gỗ Tần Bì mang lại những giá trị gì mà mức độ phổ biến của nó lại cao như vậy ?
Câu trả lời là loại nguyên vật liệu dễ dàng trong quá trình gia công như cắt và đánh bóng . Gỗ có cường độ nén rất tốt.
Gỗ tần bì có chất lượng cao và bền đẹp mắt. Với thân gỗ là màu vàng nhạt và gỗ là màu nâu nhạt.
Gỗ rất dễ khô, tuy nhiên cần thời gian khô lâu và gỗ co lại vừa phải
Tuy nhiên thì loại gỗ nào cũng có những khuyết điểm của nó, điều quan trọng là bạn nên biết và tránh để không bị mắc lỗi trong quá trình lựa chọn gỗ để gia công
1. Là loại gỗ dễ nứt khi gia công bằng ốc vít, đinh và keo.
2. Trong quá trình sử dụng nếu bảo quản gỗ tần bì không tốt thì gỗ dễ bị thay đổi màu sắc qua thời gian dài
Ứng dụng
Loại gỗ này đang được sử dụng nhiều nhất ở Mỹ với các đồ nội thất, vật trang trí, sàn, cùng với những công cụ chơi thể thao,… hơn nữa là được sử dụng trong việc sản xuất máy móc, và hầu hết là dùng để sản xuất đồ nội thất bởi kết cấu dày của gỗ.

Nếu bạn là nhà sản xuất hay khách hàng đang tìm kiếm nhà cung cấp Gỗ Tần Bì Uy tín Chất lượng, hãy liên hệ với TigerWood để sở hữu không chỉ là gỗ tần bì tốt nhất mà còn có thông, sồi, poplar, óc chó, dẻ gai,…
Chúng tôi tự hào là nhà cung cấp cho khách hàng những loại gỗ nguyên liệu chất lượng tốt nhất, cùng giá cả cạnh tranh thị trường, cùng với đó là đội ngũ nhân viên hòa động nhiệt tình, làm việc với một tinh thần trách nhiệm cao. Nếu khách hàng đang tìm kiếm nhà cung cấp Gỗ Tần Bì , hãy liên hệ với TIGERWOOD qua:
Hotline : 0907.665.335 ( Ms.Vy)
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St Regis area

Hi all, looking for a little advice. Going to be up in the northern end of the ADK's on Thursday & Friday, thinking about staying at Deer Valley Trails cabin, anyone have any experience there? Backup will be hotel in Malone, but I'd rather support the local places. I've never been in the St Regis area but here its wonderful for paddling. Weather cooperating, I may get a quick couple hour paddle one day and maybe a half day or so the next day to paddle. I know the water will be cold, but I assume all the ice is out? I don't have neoprene but I'll wear the best I have, perhaps the spray skirt and pack additional clothes in drybag. That said I've never capsized and I'm looking for calm waters, I'll likely be using the Boreal Designs Alvik (17') don't want anything tricky or too rocky. Any suggestion for something in that area that would give me some easy paddling and where to put in? Are the black flies out in force yet?

lundi 13 mai 2019

Những Điều Cần Biết Về Gỗ Thông Tại Bình Dương

TIGERWOOD (0907.665.335) là nhà cung cấp Gỗ Thông Tại Bình Dương uy tín, chất lượng được đảm bảo, giá cả cạnh tranh trên thị trường.
Hiện nay nhu cầu sử dụng gỗ thông đang tăng lên vượt bậc, nắm bắt được cơ hội này nhiều nhà cung cấp đã mọc lên hàng loạt để đạp được nhu cầu của khách hàng.
Vậy có những thuận lợi và khó khăn nào khi khách hàng lựa chọn nhà cung cấp Gỗ Thông Tại Bình Dương :

Ưu điểm:
- Tăng thêm sự lựa chọn cho khách hàng bởi có nhiều nhà cung cấp thì khách hàng có thể lựa chọn và tìm hiểu kỹ về từng nhà cung cấp từ đó so sánh giá cả, chất lượng rồi quyết định chọn nhà cung cấp nào là hợp lý nhất.
- Có thể mang lại nhiều loại gỗ cho khách hàng, làm dễ dàng tìm kiếm loại gỗ mà phù hợp ở nhiều nhà cung cấp khác nhau mà không lo lắng liệu có tìm được loại gỗ mong muốn trên thị trường hay không
Tuy nhiên, bên cạnh những ưu điểm nêu trên khách hàng vẫn gặp một số khó khăn sau:
- Khách hàng cần phải tìm hiểu thật kỹ trong các nhà cung cấp gỗ thông tại bình dương thì mua hàng ở đâu mới được chất lượng tốt mà giá cả cạnh tranh trên thị trường, điều này làm mất thời gian do phải tìm kiếm.
- Khi nhiều nhà cung cấp thì rủi ro bạn sẽ gặp phải là mua hàng ở những nơi có nguồn nguyên liệu gỗ kém chất lượng, từ đó mà thành phẩm bạn sản xuất ra chất lượng không được đảm bảo. Và cái quan trọng nhất mà chúng tôi muốn nói đến là khách hàng sẽ mất niềm tin vào bạn và uy tín mà bạn xây dựng bao năm qua cũng tan theo.

Trên đây là những thông tin chúng tôi chia sẽ với hy vọng giúp cho khách hàng có thể quyết định lựa chọn được những nơi cung cấp gỗ nguyên liệu uy tín trên thị trường gỗ ngày nay.
Nếu bạn là nhà sản xuất đồ nội thất, hay khác hàng, đang tìm Gỗ Thông Tại Bình Dương hãy liên hệ với TigerWood để sở hữu những loại gỗ thông chất lượng nhất, giá cả được tối ưu qua:
Hotline: 0907.665.335
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Out and About: Musings on fly fishing

Here's an object lesson in why fishing black leeches is a good idea. And here's a representative one of maybe 30 caught and released to catch another day.

Attached Images
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SRCA Portage question

Gonna do some paddling and a bit of camping in the SRCA in a couple weeks. Was wondering if any of you fine peoples had used the portage from Little Clear to the Southern end of St. Regis Pond? Wondering if this was easier than the usual route we've been using which is entering Upper St. Regis Lake>Bog>Bear>Little Long East> Green to St. Regis Pond? Been viewing a bunch of portage footage on you tube and can't find anything that shows the little Clear portage. Heard people talking in the videos how it was a challenging portage from there and these folks had little more than paddles and a day pack in their kayaks. We'll be heading in with 2 people, and camp stuff in a 13.5' sportster canoe. Any info/video or links would be much appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!!

dimanche 12 mai 2019

Sand Run Falls and Gorges of Babb Creek


A beautiful places with waterfalls, slides, and gorges and glens carved by Babb Creek and Sand Run.

First Lightweight, Hornbeck or maybe Streamline?

New to this site and looking for some help. Want to buy my first lightweight canoe for solo trips. I have always paddled with a single blade and want to still have that flexibility. I am looking at the Hornbecks and have also identified the Streamline Impulse as a possibility. The Streamline site specifically says the boat can be paddled either way. I have read may posts that people indicate the Hornbecks seem to be primarily compatible with a double blade. Why the difference (seat height?) and any experience paddling either with a single blade?

samedi 11 mai 2019

Cellar Mountain MRP 5/11/2019

Decided to make use of the great weather to go play with the new mountain bike as well as make a little progress on the HH. Cellar Mountain in Moose River Plains was the target. It's a fairly short bushwhack but with the road closed for mud season the approach to the trailhead was nearly 8 miles.

The ride in was pretty uneventful. I'm a road biker first so progress on the mountain bike felt slow and laborious. I blamed the pain on the previous nights beers but later realized it probably had more to do with all the climbing.

The trail was too muddy to bike so I made my way on foot to check out Cellar Pond. Wasn't too much to write home about on this one.

I retraced my steps to the height of land, then veered off trail to follow the ridge up. A good portion of the woods were fairly open but I managed to find the thick spots with blow down to make me feel at home. The northern slope still had plenty of pockets of knee deep snow too :D Found the "summit marker" pretty quickly.

Took the steep eastern slope for a relatively quick exit back to the trail. Reaped the rewards of the climb in with a fast and easy bike out.

Just as I was getting back to the gate at Wakely Dam a bobcat crossed the road in front of me :clap: First time I've ever seen one in the wild. I didn't get to study it for more than 2 or 3 seconds but it was a bit bigger than I had expected and wore a duller brown coat (winter coat?). I did see the bobbed tail clearly though.

Before making my way out I stopped at the Dam to take in the scenes and have my lunch. Chatted for a bit with a nice couple who had hiked in.

vendredi 10 mai 2019

Cederlands (sold)

Around the Mountain canoe race Saranac lake

Anybody doing the "Around the Mountain' canoe race in Saranac Saturday??
I'm going to try it, not to win anything but as recreational paddler. Steve

jeudi 9 mai 2019

Whitney Loop converted to a Whitney C

Whitney Loop converted to a Whitney C – May 2-8, 2019

I did the Whitney C recently. I planned to do the Whitney loop, which I had done in summer 2014, but cut the trip short at Low’s lower dam, as described below. The forecast was for a number of cloudy/days and cool temperatures; in the end, there were a couple of warmer, sunny days, but the last couple of days got much colder, with night temps in the low 30s.
So – some things that might be of interest to others planning to be in the area, or are interested in it. I’ll try to do some photos when I have time.

I started down Little Tupper late morning on Thursday, which cleared & became a beautiful afternoon. Since I’ve been more often on the east side and I had plenty of time that day, I decided to ramble along the west shore & check out some campsites. Site 7 was interesting; one of the fanciest landings, complete with pillars. It was the site of some kind of house or lodge, and still has standing chimneys & some old equipment. On the way up the Rock Pond outlet I saw two moose – my first Adirondack moose. It was a mother & yearling calf. I gradually edged closer, until the older female lowered her head a bit, cocked it to one side, stared, and moved a couple of steps toward me. I quickly retreated. I’ve seen them running & they can move fast with those stilt legs, even in shallow water. I camped that night on the island in Rock Pond.

The new take-out towards Hardigan is a big improvement on the last one. Also, in a couple of places on the carry, there was better signage or disk-ing. Otherwise the route was much worse than in 2014. The older beaver works at the Louie outlet is still there, and not too bad – but it’s followed quickly by a newer one which is messier & wetter. Even worse, the woods roads which were delightfully flat & clear before, are now clogged with deadfall: bunches of smaller branches, fallen trees, leaning small trees. A real obstacle course. Again, the Hardigan take-out is better, but the route is still wet & messy. I camped at Little Salmon as planned – at site 32 which the paddlers guide described as being on an island along the stream just before the lake. Sounded fun, but it was an adequate but unimpressive site. Just enough room for the 2-person tent I use on canoe trips, but not even a rock or log to sit on. Of the three sites, the middle one on the lake was best, but none were great.

The woods road part of the carry to Lilypad was also clogged with deadfall & leaning trees. And the put-in was awful. In 2014, the trail led out into the marsh around the lake, and dumped you there. Now it ends in a small clearing even further back, with the stony rapids of the Little Salmon outlet on your left, dense swamp vegetation & rocks in front, and more swamp on the right. What used to be the end of the trail is now pools in the swamp to the right, and barricaded by branches. After paddling across Lilypad I came to the old carry which the Brandreth property owners claim is a good alternative to the Mud Pond route. What a joke. The Paddler’s Guide says it starts with “some swampy ground” and goes northwest with “some wet areas”. In fact the mud was intense at the take-out; I sank in to my thigh on one step. The next section was not only wet, but overgrown so I was at the same time negotiating pools and maneuvering through bent-over alders. And then it angles through a large burn area growing in but still quite open. Here my challenge was that I was one of the first people through, maybe the first, this season. Since the trail isn’t too worn, and the entire ground was still covered with leaves & dead meadow plants, there were places where it was very hard to follow the sparsely-marked trail. I lost it twice on the first pass (I do double carries, the boat & some stuff on one, and the rest of the gear bags on a second) and actually lost it again on the way back for the second load. This happened several more times on the rest of the trip, when it was a trail with lighter tread and deciduous trees. Basically the trail, in the burn area, tends to slant to the left & slightly up. The Lilypad to Shingle Shanty carry *was* loaded with piles of moose scat, newer & older, but I didn’t see one. If you’re quieter than I was being, you might have a good chance of a moose encounter. The take-out at Shingle Shanty is steep & muddy. I did not see a campsite there, even though older versions of the map showed one. The woods are open enough to find a place, but you’d have to be careful to do so on the north side; the Brandreth property line is right at the carry. Shingle Shanty was running high, and I had to paddle harder than usual at the curves (the endless curves). Lila was weirdly empty; I didn’t realize the gates there and at the lower dam on Low’s were still closed. (In fact I didn’t see another person for five days, until I saw a couple paddling out, just after I passed the floating bog.) I camped on Canada Island which is a glamorous site: sandy beach with custom-made stone steps up into a grove of giant pines & hemlocks. My guess is that it’s hard to get that site, in season. That night I listened to a couple of distant Barred Owls and a much nearer Long-eared Owl.

Harrington Brook was also vigorous, but fun. The railroad part of the carry was OK, but the sign for where to turn off had fallen with its tree. I tried to move it to show better but the tree was too heavy for me to do much. The trail up to Clear was also hard to follow because of dead leaves, but in spite of losing it a bit in both directions, it wasn’t too hard to re-find. I camped at the Bog Lake put-in site, which is a fun area but the campsite isn’t much to write home about. Way back from the water, in a grassy clearing (grass often looks soft but tends to be lumpy). There was at least one rock to sit on in front of the small fire pit, for those who have campfires. I used it as my dining chair.

Bog Lake & its outlet is another neat area. There were 3 beaver dams but I could paddle over all of them – in fact, I only remember one time in the whole trip I had to get out at a dam, the streams were all running so strong. I checked out the 2 campsites near the entrance into Low’s Lake proper. The one nearest the esker was poor, a clearing back from, and lower than, the lake; very sandy soil like a pine barren (tent stakes would be loose); no other good features. The other is even worse: a steep landing with no place to put anything, and a small clearing above. I moved on, appreciating the tree-root “sculptures” that seem esp. prevalent at Low’s. The floating island had moved out so that I could paddle right along past the great campsite there, and not have to paddle all the way around the “island”. The floating bog is about the same: paddle in on one side of the river, zig, and out on the other side; the downstream side it was necessary to get out & drag the boat over some mud. I breezed past the upper dam and camped at site 2 not far short of the lower dam, where I’ve stayed before.

I had a hard decision. Having seen how high everything was running, and knowing from a text message I got on Low’s that the next couple of days were supposed to be much cooler, with nights down to 33, I was having doubts about the lower Bog River. I’m a flatwater paddler. The other time I did the loop, it was later in summer and the river was calm. But I remembered that besides the rapids & falls with carries, there were also many rocks and a riffle or two. I didn’t feel sure that I could be safe in my small pack canoe, loaded with stuff for a 7 day trip, and me by myself. Even a small chance of capsizing and being miles into the woods, after that water temperature and the cold air, with possibly some or most of my gear gone, didn’t sound good. What were the other options? I didn’t have time or supplies to paddle all the way back to Little Tupper (and the thought of the carries between Rock & Lila was daunting). But I realized that I could walk out the lower dam access road and down 421 to Rte 30, and probably get some kind of lift at least to the Sabattis Circle Road, and then if needed walk to the DEC headquarters to retrieve the car. So I did that on Tuesday, with extra clothing & food in the pack in case of bad luck & no quick ride, prepared to take the whole day. In fact, a nice guy who was camping & fishing at Horseshoe Lake drove by and stopped, and ended up giving me a ride all the way to Little Tupper (I spent the rest of the day intermittently sending him wishes for endless fish).

Since I now had an extra day, on Wednesday I paddled back to the upper dam, and hiked up to Low’s Ridge, which I’ve never done. True to the other hiking parts of the trip, I lost the leaf-covered trail near the start and couldn’t re-find it, so I just bushwhacked to the top. (Despite what you may be thinking, I’m actually not bad at following trails…) It’s a beautiful spot & I wish I’d gone up there before. The trail down was clearly marked and it was interesting to see the spot I’d lost it, where it turned up a slope but there was no marker, and meanwhile a herd path continued straight for a while.

The shortened ending actually made the trip more relaxed. Overall a great week. I saw eagles, osprey, harriers, ravens, loons, and various ducks a number of times; and other species once or twice. Beaver, and the moose. At Site 2 the last couple of days I was frequently serenaded by a Bittern with its lovely “song” (if you don’t know it, go to and look up American Bittern and you’ll see what I mean.) In the water edges the leatherleaf was blooming, and two things I’m not sure about. One looks like some kind of dwarf alder or birch, with red & yellow flowers that produced an orange wash over the area. And the other was a small, wiry shrub with dark stems and tiny, puffbrush red flowers. And information on what they are would be welcome! On land there were thousands of blooming Trout Lilies, with some early yellow violets and spring beauties mixed in.