mercredi 8 mai 2019

Off season camping NYS campgrounds

I know there have been threads containing this info before, but I couldn't come up with them with a quick search.

I'm going up to do some trail work on a section of NPT this weekend. I was thinking of camping at one of the established sites at Lake Durant on the way in the first night, since I won't have daylight to get to Stephens Pond. Durant doesn't open officially until the following weekend. What are the rules about using the sites off season? I thought I read here that they were ok to use, but if so do we check in to the ranger station on the way in? I'll still park at the NPT trailhead on route 28, so I won't be driving into the park.

My fallback is to camp on the dirt road loop on the lakeside, Old Route 28, but wouldn't mind being on the trail in Durant to be a little closer in the first morning.


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