samedi 11 mai 2019

Cellar Mountain MRP 5/11/2019

Decided to make use of the great weather to go play with the new mountain bike as well as make a little progress on the HH. Cellar Mountain in Moose River Plains was the target. It's a fairly short bushwhack but with the road closed for mud season the approach to the trailhead was nearly 8 miles.

The ride in was pretty uneventful. I'm a road biker first so progress on the mountain bike felt slow and laborious. I blamed the pain on the previous nights beers but later realized it probably had more to do with all the climbing.

The trail was too muddy to bike so I made my way on foot to check out Cellar Pond. Wasn't too much to write home about on this one.

I retraced my steps to the height of land, then veered off trail to follow the ridge up. A good portion of the woods were fairly open but I managed to find the thick spots with blow down to make me feel at home. The northern slope still had plenty of pockets of knee deep snow too :D Found the "summit marker" pretty quickly.

Took the steep eastern slope for a relatively quick exit back to the trail. Reaped the rewards of the climb in with a fast and easy bike out.

Just as I was getting back to the gate at Wakely Dam a bobcat crossed the road in front of me :clap: First time I've ever seen one in the wild. I didn't get to study it for more than 2 or 3 seconds but it was a bit bigger than I had expected and wore a duller brown coat (winter coat?). I did see the bobbed tail clearly though.

Before making my way out I stopped at the Dam to take in the scenes and have my lunch. Chatted for a bit with a nice couple who had hiked in.

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