lundi 13 mai 2019

SRCA Portage question

Gonna do some paddling and a bit of camping in the SRCA in a couple weeks. Was wondering if any of you fine peoples had used the portage from Little Clear to the Southern end of St. Regis Pond? Wondering if this was easier than the usual route we've been using which is entering Upper St. Regis Lake>Bog>Bear>Little Long East> Green to St. Regis Pond? Been viewing a bunch of portage footage on you tube and can't find anything that shows the little Clear portage. Heard people talking in the videos how it was a challenging portage from there and these folks had little more than paddles and a day pack in their kayaks. We'll be heading in with 2 people, and camp stuff in a 13.5' sportster canoe. Any info/video or links would be much appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!!

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