dimanche 30 juin 2019

Little Wolf Pond


I am going to be staying at Wolf Pond near Tupper Lake in the next few weeks.

I was wondering if anybody had any advice on decent hiking opportunities in the area.

Thank you very much and hope to hear from some people who can help.

Cheney Pond and Boreas River

We explored the Boreas for the first time yesterday. What a gem. The water levels were perfect IMO.

Thanks for the suggestion Stripperguy.

Link to some photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kMq9zcsXyvVYbLPv9

samedi 29 juin 2019

Outdoor Volunteer Programs

For my own future references, I am interested in any programs available working with groups or organizations that deal with camps, trails or backpacking, etc.?

Building a resume. Long term goal of becoming a better person and steward of forest and lands.

Sinh trac van tay giup ban phat huy nhung gia tri von co

Sinh trắc vân tay giúp bạn phát huy những giá trị vốn có

Có nhiều người cho rằng sinh trắc vân tay là một ngành mới mẻ của xã hội hiện đại. Tất nhiên hệ thống kiến thức về sinh trắc vân tay hiện nay có được là cả một quá trình dài dày công nghiên cứu của các nhà khoa học.

Để đánh giá về khoa học này trong nội dung Sinh trắc vân tay giúp bạn phát huy những giá trị vốn có mời bạn cùng sinh trắc vân tay (https://vi-vn.facebook.com/sinhtracvantayelitesymbol/), Elite Symbol theo dõi nội dung bài viết sau.

Vậy khoa học sinh trắc vân tay liệu có dựa trên khoa học hay chỉ là phương pháp đoán mò vẫn là thắc mắc của rất nhiều cha mẹ. Các bạn có biết rằng, nghiên cứu về sinh trắc dấu vân tay đã có tuổi đời hơn 200 năm. Đến nay đã có khoảng hơn 8000 nghiên cứu về lĩnh vực Sinh trắc dấu vân tay của các nhà khoa học nổi tiếng hàng đầu thế giới nên quý phụ huynh thực hiện phương pháp này cho con có thể hoàn toàn yên tâm.

Thông qua sinh trắc vân tay giúp bạn đánh thức và khai thác tiềm năng của bản thân, phát huy được những giá trị vốn có, để từ đó chúng ta sẽ phát triển đúng cách và đúng hướng. Hiện nay có rất nhiều phụ huynh tìm hiểu và thực hiện phương pháp này cho con mình.

Sinh trắc vân tay giúp bạn phát huy những giá trị vốn có

Bất kì đứa trẻ nào cũng có tố chất riêng, tuy nhiên cha mẹ cũng không nên đặt quá nhiều kì vọng vào con mà tạo áp lực cho chúng. Hãy để trẻ trưởng thành và phát triển một cách tự nhiên với những cách giáo dục đúng hướng.

Các nhà khoa học cũng chỉ ra rằng có sự liên hệ mật thiết giữa số lượng vân tay và năng lực tư duy. Cụ thể là ở động vật cấp thấp thì số lượng vân da ngón tay rất ít, trong khi động vật cấp cao và con người có số lượng vân tay cao hơn hẳn.

Hơn nữa, phương pháo này còn là kênh tư vấn định hướng nghề nghiệp cho trẻ em, học sinh, sinh viên thông qua những ứng dụng sau:

Khám phá năng khiếu thiên bẩm, điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của đối tượng.

Nhận biết khả năng hấp thụ việc học để xác định phương pháp dạy và học tối ưu.

Khám phá các chỉ số thông minh của con người như AQ, IQ là gì, EQ, CQ.

Bên cạnh đó, qua kết quả sinh trắc vân tay, các doanh nghiệp có thể giúp các nhân viên phát huy tiềm năng để củng cố nguồn nhân lực và phát triển nhân sự cho các vị trí chủ chốt trong công ty.

Sinh trắc vân tay cho bé để đo các chỉ số thông minh

Việc khai phá những tiềm năng của não bộ được xem là bước quan trọng để mỗi cá nhân có thể phát triển một cách toàn diện và đúng hướng nhất trong tương lai sau này. Hiện nay tại TPHCM có rất nhiều trung tâm thực hiện dịch vụ sinh trắc vân tay cho trẻ với nhiều ưu đãi vô cùng hấp dẫn. Một trong số các đơn vị được quý phụ huynh tín nhiệm nhất đó chính là Elite Symbol.

Tại đây, chúng tôi luôn tự tin là một địa chỉ cung cấp dịch vụ làm sinh trắc học vân tay chất lượng. Elite Symbol luôn cập nhật những chỉ số khoa học mới nhất từ mỹ để có thể đưa ra những kết quả chính xác nhất. Máy móc thiết bị đều đạt tiêu chuẩn chất lượng và luôn được bảo dưỡng trong tình trạng ổn định.

Elite Symbol là một sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo của khách hàng. Để có những thông tin đầy đủ và chính xác nhất về dịch vụ này hãy cho đội ngũ tư vấn giàu kinh nghiệm và tận tâm của sinh trắc vân tay (http://sinhtracvantay.over-blog.com) Elite Symbol đồng hành cùng bạn.

Chúng tôi luôn sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc của quý phụ huynh.

vendredi 28 juin 2019

Jessup River east or west of 30

Anyone paddled the Jessup recently to comment on status of tree obstructions in either direction?

New variants of Russian mobile Banking Trojan Riltok go international

Kaspersky researchers have discovered that the money-stealing mobile malware, Riltok has launched new variants and is extending its targeting from Russia to the rest of the world, starting with Europe, disguising itself as services popular in France, Italy and the United Kingdom. Riltkok was first observed in mid-2018.

Riltok is a Banking Trojan. These represent a dangerous threat to smartphone users because they are designed to gain access to the financial accounts and assets of their victims, primarily by stealing login credentials and hijacking online banking sessions. Trojans often disguise themselves as legitimate web services and apps to trick the user into installing it and entering their credentials and sensitive data.

In the case of the Riltok Trojan (the name comes from ‘Real Talk’), the attack scenario generally starts with a user receiving an SMS-message with a link to a fake website that closely resembles a popular website for free classified advertising. The website invites the user to install the new version of the service’s mobile app, which is, in fact, the Riltok malware. Once the malware is downloaded and receives the necessary permissions from the infected victim, it appoints itself the default app for receiving and viewing SMS. This lets the attackers see all SMS-messages, including confirmation codes for bankcard operations, and also to send SMS to other numbers for onward propagation.

The main functions of the malware include:
- Stealing bankcard credentials by displaying a fake Google Play store app screen and asking the victim to enter their payment card information. It also performs a basic check to ensure the provided details are genuine, like counting the number of digits entered for the card.
- Stealing bank account credentials by displaying a screen that mimics a banking app, or opening a phishing page in the browser
- Hiding other apps activity and settings, such as security solutions or settings dedicated to device safety
- Hiding notifications from legitimate bank apps.

Kaspersky experts have detected around 4,000 users hit by this malware to date, mainly in Russia, but also in Italy, France and the UK.

“We’ve been watching how the Riltok malware is being distributed slowly but steadily across Russia and we expect to see a rise in attacks as the cybercriminals behind this threat extend their reach to new countries and continents, starting with Europe. We’ve observed this scenario many times before; in our experience, once threat actors create a successful malware and test it in Russia, they adapt it for foreign victims and explore new territories. Usually such threats end up going global,” – said Tatyana Shishkova, security researcher at Kaspersky.

Kaspersky products detect the threat as Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS.Riltok.

To protect yourself from financial malware, including the Riltok Trojan, Kaspersky Lab security specialists advise:
• Never click on suspicious links in SMS
• Block the installation of programs from unknown sources and install only apps from official app stores
• Always pay attention to permissions that an app requests. If the permission does not suit the app’s function, yet needs to be turned on, better not use the app.
• Use a robust security solution to protect you from malicious software and its actions. The free version of Kaspersky Internet Security for Android can help you avoid such unpleasant situations;

jeudi 27 juin 2019

Hammersley Wild Area


Has 50 miles of new trails with many loop options. There are mountaintop meadows, old growth forests, beautiful streams, swimming hole, great camping, and scenic forests.

Dropping packs and Bears

I don't spend much time in the High Peaks during the summer, but this year will be an exception. I am planning a mid-July loop around the Sewards, with side hikes up to the peaks (basically, Coreys Road, Calkins, Cold River, Ward Brook, Coreys).

Question: what are the opinions on the safety of dropping packs containing food at the trail junctions? Specifically, we are planning a clockwise loop, so we would leave our packs at the Calkins Brook herd path junction and be back after Emmons, etc. and then a couple of days later, do the same for Seymour. One thought is that we may have more food than we can cram into a canisters on the first day (with plans to eat the excess the first day/evening), so hang the remainder, or take our chances?

Thanks for any input.

Garmin Handheld Update

Am looking to upgrade the maps on my Garmin GPSmap 76Cx to include good detail in the Adirondacks, primarily for paddling, also some hiking. I guess the US Northeast 24K would be best? If I choose a download installation (over the micro card), will that over ride existing data and maps? Thanks for any info and advice.

Burroughs Range Loop ?'s


New to the forum. Hope it is okay to post in the general thread. Hoping to do the Burroughs Range Loop over the July 4th holiday. Planning on starting/finishing at Woodland Valley. I have 2010 NYNJ trail conference map and it indicates there are primitive campsites between Cornell and Slide and another after Slide a bit before reaching the parking lot at Rt. 47. Both indicate water sources nearby.

1. Can anyone comment on the current reliability of these water sources.
2. Planning on spending a second night at Giant Ledge Primitive Campsite. is there a reliable water source there?
3. From perusing forums it seems there is an easement off of Rt. 47. is this still an option?
4. In the event we want to bail on the loop at catch a ride from Rt. 47 parking back to Woodland Valley, is there a taxi service we could call in the area? is Uber active?

Many thanks for any info. We've been up to the area and done parts of this hike but never to full loop. It will be a challenge, but hoping to pace ourselves over 2 nights.

Eighth Lake to Raquette Lake, Nessmuk style

This past Monday I met my distant cousin Will for the 1st time in the Taproom parking lot at Raquette Lake. We are both the great-great-great grandsons of George Washington Sears, AKA Nessmuk, who's fame is modest and mostly confined to Adirondack canoe enthusiasts, but who I am sure needs no explanation on this site.

Our families grew apart over the generations and we didn't know each other, but I learned about Will from the Mountain Home article about his re-creation of Nessmuk's most well known voyage from Old Forge to Paul Smith's and back a few years ago. I reached out, and we decided to try and find an exact spot where Sears had camped or spent time, and go there together. I found a passage in his writing that indicated he had spent some time on the little island on 8th Lake where Alvah Dunning had a cabin, and there was now a lean-to, so we decided to camp there a night and then continue on through Brown's Tract Inlet to Raquette Lake and camp there the 2nd night.

The plan hit a slight snag when we got to the island to discover that the lean-to had been removed recently and there were now "No Camping" discs all over the island. So we headed across the narrow channel and discovered an unoccupied and huge lean-to, complete with benches and a couple of impressive single log camp chairs. We camped there and spent a pleasant afternoon getting to know each other, paddling around 8th and checking out the other campsites and fishing. Will outfished me 6-0.

On Tuesday it rained hard in the morning, but it let up a little after 9 and we headed out for the carry to Brown's Tract Inlet. This was my first time on this stream, and I enjoyed it very much. Based on the map and Will's memory from his trip a few years ago, we were expecting the stream section to take at least 2 hours and to carry over a few beaver dams, but with the water level high from the all the rain this spring, we got to Raquette in about an hour and never had to lift over a single dam.

After replenishing our beer & ice supply at the General Store in Raquette Lake, we paddled out to Big Island and stayed at lean-to #2, pleasantly situated in a protective cove with a beautiful point to lounge on. I finally managed to get on the board with one little 10 inch bass caught in the grasses near shore. We agreed our mutual ancestor would not be impressed. After the wind died down we spent another pleasant evening paddling around Big Island and had some excitement when my pup, on her first canoe trip, managed to flip the canoe with an ill-timed jump to shore. Luckily there was no gear in the boat and we were in only 2 feet of water, so no harm done.

The next morning was clear and warm and we lingered on our point as long as we could before heading back to the boat launch. All in all, a very pleasant time, connecting with the past and present. We hope to make this an annual tradition, choosing a different section of Nessmuk's trip each year.

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mercredi 26 juin 2019

HK style noodle

Any spot to recommend for authentic hk style noodle? the ok-ok priced one, not so atas

Moving into Sustainable Industry 4.0

Cyber security plays an important role as key enabler for the initiative’s success
By Yeo Siang Tiong, General Manager for Southeast Asia at Kaspersky

The term Industry 4.0 was first used at the Hanover Fair, as a reference to the latest industrial strategy which has been termed the fourth industrial revolution. According to the explanation by Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia I have read months ago, Industry 4.0 is referred to as production of manufacturing based industries digitalization transformation, driven by connected technologies.

Together with autonomous robots, big data analytics, cloud computing, Internet of Things, additive manufacturing, system integration, augmented reality and simulation, in my opinion, cybersecurity is among the main pillars of Industry 4.0. Why? Because while the cyber-physical systems connected without wires, automated and with lesser human touch points promise more efficient processes and communications, this also exposes systems to potential cyberattacks.

Greater connectivity brought about by Industry 4.0 will require greater security attention for ICS security because the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a double-edged sword which countries and companies should use wisely.

It is great to note that Malaysia is currently ranked third globally among 193 International Telecom Union members, in terms of the level of national commitment to addressing cybersecurity risks. In 2018, Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia launched INDUSTRY 4WRD, a national policy on Industry 4.0, to place policies and guidelines in place to ensure Malaysian manufacturing industry and its related services would be ready, to be smart, systematic and resilient. The policy has the overarching philosophy – A-C-T, Attract, Create and Transform.

The government’s efforts are indeed being commended worldwide. Proof is the Readiness for the Future of Production Report 2018 which put Malaysia in the “Leader” quadrant, positioned well for the future. Malaysia and China are the only two non-high-income countries in this coveted quadrant.

One important area for improvement that I know if will be the human force. Malaysia has shortage of required talents, skills and knowledge for Industry 4.0, particularly in the areas of IoT, robotics and AI. The lack of talents in the fields of IoT is hypocritical for Malaysia Industry 4.0 especially in the areas of exposure to cyber threats.

However, let us not miss the commitment uttered by the Ministry of Education Malaysia saying that cybersecurity must be introduced at the grassroot level, especially among the schoolchildren. The department of Polytechnic and Community College Education and Politeknik Mersing in Johor is also off to set up the Cyber Range Academy, which provides the students with an authentic learning environment in the threat landscape.

For our part, Kaspersky understands the cyber security needs in ensuring the success of Industry 4.0 and have solutions in place – Industrial CyberSecurity (ICS), with the aim to protect companies from three main risks .

Firstly, unintentional infection of an industrial network. In theory, industrial information networks should not be connected to office networks, and should also not have direct access to the internet. However, sometimes without intending to cause any harm, staff will connect infected removable drives to industrial computers or access the internet to update software on the server, resulted malware manages to penetrate the network.

Secondly, it is not unusual for people who are professionally versed in industrial systems to try and use that knowledge to trick their employer, which cause serious harm to the business.

Thirdly, cyberwar, targeted actions that are intended to cause damage. Two years ago, a massive data breach saw more than 46 million mobile subscribers in Malaysia leaked on to the dark web.

For companies to reach their Industry 4.0 goals, all components have to be protected.

Remember ShadowHammer which Kaspersky team highlighted in the research back in March? Executable files, found in reputable and trusted large manufacturer, contained malware features, which upon careful analysis confirmed been tampered by malicious attackers.

To avoid being victims and ensuring a clearer path to achieving Industry 4.0 , we suggest to:
o Regularly update operating systems, application software, and security solutions
o Apply necessary security fixes and audit access control for ICS components in the enterprise’s industrial network and at its boundaries
o Provide dedicated training and support for employees as well as partners and suppliers with access to your network
o Restrict network traffic on ports and protocols used on edge routers and inside the organization's OT networks
o Use ICS network traffic monitoring, analysis and detection solutions for better protection from attacks potentially threatening technological process and main enterprise assets
o Deploy dedicated security solutions on ICS servers, workstations and HMIs, such as Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity. This solution includes network traffic monitoring, analysis and detection to secure OT and industrial infrastructure from both random malware infections and dedicated industrial threats
o Form a dedicated security team for both IT and OT sectors
o Equip these security teams with proper cybersecurity training as well as real-time and in-depth threat intelligence reports

mardi 25 juin 2019

My First Time On Little Tupper Lake

I'm 100% spinning and mainly for bass but I do break out the ultralight rig and hit Siamese Ponds Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest and Moose River Plains often enough. I pulled in a nice 15" brookie out of Lake George Wild Forest this past Friday, along with a couple smaller rainbows and one smaller brown.

So I decided to finally get up to Little Tupper yesterday and try my luck. It was a good afternoon for bass, not so much for trout. I pulled in a 13, 16 & 19 inch largemouth and if I stayed with the pattern I probably could have pulled them in all afternoon long. I also pulled in half a dozen yellow perch and probably could have pulled in dozens upon dozens if I wanted. I was shocked how bad the situation is.

After getting back I did a little digging around and found an article by Richard Preall on the Windfall strain. Has anyone fished either Mountain or Black Ponds? From the article it sounds like it might be worth putting in with my kayak and giving one or the other a try.

Upper Schroon-deadwater pond to stump pond

Recently paddled section of upper Schroon River from deadwater pond upstream to stump pond and back. Basically the trip breaks down to 3 sections: from bottom of deadwater up it is a beautiful meandering paddle, once above deadwater it becomes more of a meandering stream. Fair amount of beaver dams to climb over and as the gradient increases it becomes shallow with ripples and rock gardens. A short distance before the old crib dam that forms the bottom of stump pond we had to line the boats up through the shallow water. Once past the old crib dam we crossed one last large beaver dam, with a great view of rocky peak ridge and paddled across stump to where it abuts the Tracy road. Quick lunch and return trip, with lining, rock gardens, beaver dams and meandering streams. We saw one whitetail and one Fox, total trip was just under 4 hours and distance was just shy of 5 miles.

dimanche 23 juin 2019

Quy trinh lay dau van tay chuyen nghiep, chinh xac cao

Quy trình lấy dấu vân tay chuyên nghiệp, chính xác cao

Ngành sinh trắc vân tay đã có từ rất lâu và đạt được những thành tựu đáng kể cho xã hội. Đây là phương pháp phân tích mối liên hệ mật thiết giữa dấu vân tay và não bộ. Nhờ phương pháp này sẽ giúp bố mẹ phát hiện những tố chất và tính cách bẩm sinh của con người.

Tìm hiểu về Sinh trắc học vân tay là gì và Quy trình lấy dấu vân tay chuyên nghiệp, chính xác cao mời bạn cùng Elite Symbol theo dõi nội dung bài viết dưới đây.

Sự liên quan giữa vân tay và não bộ không chỉ phụ thuộc ở hình dạng vân tay (đại bàng, núi, nước,..) mà còn các yếu tố quan trọng khác như số lượng vân tay, loại tâm, số lượng delta, đặc biệt khoảng cách từ tâm đến delta cho thấy mật độ vân tay trên 1 ngón tay, liên quan trực tiếp đến chỉ số TFRC (Mật độ vân tay,…). Chính vì thế, nên việc lấy vân tay chính xác, rõ ràng, đúng cách hết sức quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến quá trình phân tích và kết quả bài báo cáo não bộ .

Độ tuổi nào lấy dấu vân tay là chính xác?

Dấu vân tay được hình thành từ tuần thứ 13 đến 19 trong thai kỳ, trong suốt quá trình kể từ lúc hình thành đến lúc bé sinh ra thì tuổi vân tay đã là 5 tháng. Trường hợp nhỏ tuổi nhất tại Elite Symbol bé được 10 tháng tuổi kể từ lúc sinh ra, nghĩa là tính tuổi vân tay thì là 14 tháng. Trong tất cả các nghiên cứu đều cho rằng, để lấy dấu vân tay bé phải được 12 tháng tuổi.

Vân tay được hình thành từ tuần thứ 13 đến 19 trong thai kỳ

Sinh trắc vân tay là 1 bộ môn khoa học, việc phân tích dấu vân tay, các chủng vân tay thiên tài ngoài việc cần được thực hiện bởi các chuyên gia quốc tế đã qua đào tạo bài bản và chuyên sâu thì cần rất nhiều máy móc, thiết bị và các phần mềm phân tích.

Quy trình lấy dấu vân tay chuyên nghiệp, chính xác cao

Bước 1: Nhân viên chuẩn bị trang thiết bị đầy đủ, giấy, bút.

Bước 2: Ghi nhận thông tin khách hàng chính xác

- Họ và tên

- Ngày tháng năm sinh

- Giới tính

- Địa chỉ

- Người bảo hộ ( <18 tuổi )

- Số điện thoại

- Email

Bước 3: Lấy vân tay cả 2 bàn tay

Mỗi ngón tay sẽ được lấy 3 mặt tương ứng trên phần mềm: Giữa, bên trái, bên phải. Lấy từ ngón cái sang ngón út, từ bàn tay trái sang bàn tay phải

Bước 4: Lấy góc ATD

- Trường hợp 1: Độ tuổi < 10 tuổi : Không cần thiết lấy góc ATD

- Trường hợp 2: Độ tuổi > 10 tuổi : Lấy góc ATD trên lòng bàn tay trái sang phải

Quy trình lấy dấu vân tay chuyên nghiệp, chính xác cao

Tiêu chuẩn trong quá trình lấy dấu vân tay

- Hình dạng vân tay phải rõ ràng

- Hình dạng 3 mặt phải thể hiện đầy đủ tâm và delta

- Lấy đầy đủ 3 mặt, tổng 10 ngón tay, 30 hình dạng

Ví dụ như bạn đang trong trường hợp đang phân vân muốn thay đổi công việc hiện tại, cũng đừng ngần ngại đến với chúng tôi để tìm ra giải pháp phù hợp nhất cho bạn. Tương lai là do bạn chọn, hãy cho mình một cơ hội để chọn thật chính xác với Sinh trắc học dấu vân tay Elite Symbol. Trung tâm Elite Symbol hỗ trợ lấy dấu vân tay tại nhà, tư vấn miễn phí trước khi đăng ký dịch vụ.

Elite Symbol là thương hiệu sinh trắc vân tay hàng đầu Việt Nam hiện nay. Chúng tôi có thể giúp các bậc cha mẹ một phần nào hiểu con hơn, đồng hành cùng con trên con đường đi tới tương lai.

Khách hàng quan tâm dịch vụ sinh trắc vân tay cho gia đình, hãy để lại thông tin hoặc liên hệ với trung tâm Elite Symbol chúng tôi ngay hôm nay để đội ngũ tư vấn hỗ trợ miễn phí.

samedi 22 juin 2019

Rocky, Black Bear, and Coney

After climbing Bald last Tuesday, I thought why not, I can do the Fulton Chain Trifecta. So, I did that today. I climbed Black Bear and Rocky. It was convenient that both trailheads shared the same parking area. Then I went on to Coney. I put a down payment on the Tupper Triad. I finished the day at Buttermilk Falls which was Roaring.

Black Bear was the longest of the three mountains. It was two miles and about a 700 foot gain. The trail starts out like a road on the right side of a stream valley. Further up it was muddy with water running down the trail. There are paths skirting on the edge. When I reached a Y intersection, I took the right blue path, because it was the shorter way. The other way wraps around and climbs the back side of the mountain. The blue path pitched up moderately then leveled off for a while. It traveled to a notch in the ridge and began climbing again. Then I was faced with a rock wall. The trail switched back on the right side of it. There was a neat feature of railings made of tree branches. After the rock wall was a hemlock forest then a series of small scrambles to the summit.

The summit had many clearings with several views toward the south and northeast. The main features were what I believe was Seventh Lake and its mountain to the south I could see Blue with a myriad of mountains to the east. The northern views were partially blocked by low trees, but I could have been more thorough exploring the top. I was beat due to dehydration that crept up on me. I did have water on me though.

After that I climbed Rocky. I rehydrated so my energy came back. Rocky was a solid climb of almost 500 feet. It’s only a half mile long. There was one break in the climbing before the final pitch to the top. Once at the top there was a sweeping view of Fourth lake. I could see straight down on Rocky Point and its community. That qualified me for the patch.

I did not wear bug spray this time. I hardly noticed the black flies. What I did notice was the mosquitos. If I stood still where there was no wind, I would be under attack. There was plenty of wind on top, which was good.

Coney was beautiful. I would recommend it for anyone. The top has a cool looking bald dome, with a full 360 view. It’s a like a micro high peak that is a beginner mountain. The trail basically spirals gracefully around the mountain for a mile to the summit. It’s a very easy 500 foot climb. The mountain sits in the Raquette River Plain Surrounded by big mountains throughout the horizon. The High peaks are in the east. The Central Mountains are to the south. Mount Morris is just to the Northeast and you can see the vast western and northwestern lowlands of the park.

Father daughter recommendation

My 15 year old daughter and I are both new to paddling and looking for a 2 night 3 day trip. We will be using kayaks me in an old town loon and her in a wilderness Pungo. Both are 12’ Models. Something fairly remote or at least something without motor boat traffic and not too much wind. Equipment is all light weight backpacking gear and I’d like to have little to no portages because of the boat sizes. I have also ordered the guide book and map from St Regis. The trip will be in mid July Monday thru Wednesday.

vendredi 21 juin 2019

Bike camping like Santanoni

Is there anywhere in the park similar to the Camp Santanoni area where you can bike in a fair distance and camp overnight on designated sites?

We're already planning on staying at Santanoni for up to 3 nights, but may check out another spot on the last night if worthwhile. We're coming in from the Niagara-Buffalo-Syracuse I-90 corridor so ideally we don't want to venture too far north or east of Santanoni.


jeudi 20 juin 2019

Wolf Pond trail opens

DEC recently announced the opening of the Wolf Pond trail. It's on Blue Ridge Road, right near the line between Minerva and North Hudson. I went last weekend and could not complete the trip because there was serious blown down a little under a mile in that was so thick I could not get around or through. There was also a bit of blow down a bit earlier in the trail but I could get around that.

On the way back, I passed a trail maintenance gentleman (and his friendly dog) and I mentioned it to him. So the trail might be clear now but given how much blow down there was, don't be surprised if it isn't.

New to the Daks

Anyone in Tupper Lake area looking for a outdoor partner? Day hiking, 46ers, backpacking, biking, XC skiing, kayaking, etc. I am in the fit to super fit category so looking for somewhat that can keep up. I just moved here from CO and just started exploring this region. Check out my blog for my background tomcatoutdoors.blogspot.com or FB page Tomcat's Outdoor Adventures.

Kid friendly backpacking recommendation?

Looking for ideas on a fairly easy 1 or 2 night backpacking trip maybe a short loop? with my 10 year old son. This will be his first backpacking trip and I’d like to suck him in with something on the easier side and fun. We are planning on mid to late July. He is a fairly experienced hiker and loves rock scrambles and swimming. To start ideas thinking 5 or so miles maybe ending with someplace he could swim.

any indoor activities in adk's?

will be travelling with my 8 yr old son Monday onward,
have some stuff to do on my house on Monday, but since in the area would like to spend a few days in the ADK, ny starting point will be northwestern edge of Adirondacks,
only problem weather looks like rain lots of rain, still too soon to tell, but as it looks now trying to plan just in case
our usual jaunts in the area is typical hiking and camping,
with the rain looking for other activities we can do
I also sometimes hit up local KOA to take advantage of their indoor pool :)
any ideas is appreciated

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mercredi 19 juin 2019

Sistem ForexCopy dari InstaForex

ForexCopy adalah merupakan sebuah perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan oleh Syarikat InstaForex yang akan membolehkan anda untuk menduplikasi pesanan/tawaran pedagang yang berjaya walaupun anda berada jauh dari terminal dagangan anda. Ia hanya mengambil masa beberapa minit untuk memilih pedagang dan menetapkan penyalinan automatik aktiviti pedagang yang dipilih. Sebagai alternatif, ia hanya mengambil masa beberapa minit untuk membuka akaun untuk membolehkan pedagang lain menyalin dagangan daripada anda.

Salah satu kelebihan sistem ForexCopy adalah kebolehpercayaannya. Para pengikut dapat mengawal keadaan sepenuhnya, kerana wang itu kekal di dalam akaunnya. Pelanggan boleh menyesuaikan tetapan dan membatalkan salinan pesanan/tawaran secara manual sekiranya ia berpotensi untuk tidak memberikan menguntungkan. Akaun dan dana sepenuhnya di bawah kawalan pelanggan, yang memastikan bahawa tiada tindakan dapat dilakukan dengan wang tanpa persetujuan pemilik akaun.


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Thomas Run Falls


A beautiful falls in an isolated area.

Camp sites At Pigeon Lake Wildernes within hiking distance from Big Moose RR?

I started planning a different type of ADK trip. I'm in Rochester. It would be Amtrack to Utica. Adirondack Scenic RR from Utica to Big Moose Station. From Big Moose station, hike ??? to someplace to camp for a couple days. Then do the opposite and go home.

I guess after arriving at Big Moos options are North up Twitchell Rd toward Twitchell Mtn, roads East to hike in toward Contable Ponds/Cubb and Queer Lake, and maybe south to the Fulton Chain Wild Forest (not sure if there's camping there).

I'd like to think I could do 150' away from road/trail/water someplace, but ideally an official, cleared site, water would be nice is what I'm looking for. Is there anywhere close that would be nice without having to go the ~7 miles to Chubb and Queer lakes where I know there's nice sites/leanto.


Primitive Campsite

Changes coming on primitive campsites throughout the Park.


Are any parts of RailRoad from Tawahus to Saratoga still navigable?


If I were to create a bicycle modification to ride on railroad tracks, would any of this stretch be rideable for stretches of distance to make it worth it? Say at least 10 miles.

I'm afraid it'll all be overgrown by now. Maybe winter or early spring would be better, but it seems like there's lots of branches in the way.

But, if I google maps it, it looks like the further south you go, the clearer it gets.

Also, what about private ownership. As a longer line, I am assuming ownership varies.

Also, even though it's listed as abandoned, any possibility of trains?

mardi 18 juin 2019


Can anyone tell me if I'll have cell service at the North terminus on Averyville rd..? Planning a thru hike this summer and trying to work out some logistics.

Thank you !!

lundi 17 juin 2019

Good or bad?

Hornbeck Values?

I'll be looking for a used 10-12' Hornbeck in the near future. Well, my back and shoulders are going to be looking.

Assume Classic.

What would I expect to pay for a good used one? I can buy a 10' Classic new for $1,495 per the website.

Anything obvious to look for in a used boat...any areas of concern?

Thanks in advance!!!

Otter Lake Herd Path SMWF

Years ago, I read somewhere that a herd path ran down to Otter Lake from the North Trail on Kane Mountain. I finally found a herd path. In the photo there are two trees. Behind these two trees is a faint herd path. It leads down to Otter Lake. The track is faint, and hard to follow, but I promise it’s there. There has been recent blow down obscuring it. When you walk between these two trees like a gateway there will be a faint track leading down. There is a recent fallen tree that is blocking it. You must go to the other side of the tree to regain the track. The track leads down to a cluster of boulders. To the right of the boulders is a tree stump with a long rod attached to it. After the boulders, you must relocate the path. It leads down, close to the lake, and turns left to reach the eastern shore.

The herd path entrance is located on the Green Lake - Pine Like corridor section of the North trail, before the junction leading to the tower. Starting from the parking area, the North trail climbs up the slope a little and then dips down to the Kane Mountain Junction. The two trees are located just before the high point of the corridor and after the muddy area on a more level section of the trail. There is another pair of trees that are similar further up. This is the first pair after the muddy section. I have been repeatedly relocating the path and it's features to make sure I could find it and prove it's not an illusion. I can see and follow it, but it is faint. I found it by accident while bushwhacking down to the Lake.

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dimanche 16 juin 2019

Busy Silver Lakes Wilderness 6/15/2019-6/16/2019

Spent a day exploring off trail in the Silver Lakes Wilderness.

Hit the TH bright and early around 7am. Within 10 minutes of walking I saw a white tail just off the trail oblivious to my presence. Most hikes I see very few animals other than birds and squirrels. But seeing a deer this early on a hike is starting to become a foreshadowing event on my trips.

I didn't spend much time on the trail before hopping a brook and traveling a short distance up an old road. There were some fairly recent footprints so it must get some level of use still :Peek:. I checked out a pretty neat campsite and some cool rusted stuff before abandoning the road for the my first POI.

The first target of the day way Three Ponds. The climb up to the ponds were through fairly open and easy to navigate woods. I'm really starting to love how open the woods are in the Silver Lake area! Upon reaching the first pond, I realized I was not alone.

I took advantage of the wind coming off the pond to take a relatively bug free break and have a snack. Working my way further into the wilderness, I stopped at each of the other two ponds before making tracks to the next target of the day.

Helldevil Dam is a wonderful little area. Once again I was not alone. At first I thought I might be looking at a moose far off on the other side of the clearing, but it just turned out to be another white tail with big ears tracking my noise. I spent a little time exploring the area and the site of the old dam.

At this point I wisely decided to bail on my more ambitious plans and mapped a route to the Silver Lake lean-to for a siesta. I was working my way up a narrow pass, and once again I realized I was not alone. This time it was a black bear perhaps 50 yards in front of me. Didn't get a great view of it (just peaks between and over the brush :Peek:) and there certainly wasn't a chance for a photo op but we both were quite content in going our own ways.

After a long break at the lean-to, I decided that I'd be better off to save the 8 mile trek out for the next morning. I got to work cutting some fire wood, cleaning the fire pit and reading my book. Had the place to myself for a peaceful night with a gentle soothing rain. The rain continued into the morning and made for a wet walk out.

samedi 15 juin 2019

Remote Adirondack hunting & hunting pressure

Since 2015 I have been making annual weekend trips down to the Adirondacks to hunt deer. While we do have a healthy deer herd here in Eastern Ontario and plenty of public access, I prefer the Adirondack experience.

In Eastern Ontario we have large tracts of provincial public land, but they are laced with ATV trails and logging roads - and motorized vehicles are permitted throughout it all. It's very difficult (pretty much impossible really) to get away from motorized access.

So far I've hunted the Western High Peaks, Jay Mountain, and Round Lake wilderness areas. Each had a different character.

If one was looking for the least hunting pressure in the Adirondacks, which wilderness area (or general geographic area) would be most likely to provide it?

Jessup River Road

Is anyone aware if the Jessup River Road is open all the way out to the spruce lake trail head?

Thanks in advance

vendredi 14 juin 2019

Mt. Tom-Tioga State Forest


A challenging climb to a nice view of Pine Creek.

Hornbeck seating

Have owned a Hornbeck Lost Pond 10.5 for over decade, and am thinking about buying a Hornbeck Classic 13. I've heard the seating has been redesigned and is now more comfortable. I'm ok with the seating in the Lost Pond, but I'd still prefer more comfort for my back. Anyone out there have an opinion based on experience?

Also looking at the Slipstream Impulse 13. Not interested in spending what Placid and Hemlock charge.

A test paddle won't tell me much about comfort unless I can be on the water for at least an hour, and anyhow Hornbeck's pond (for test paddles) is fairly small.

Thanks for any help.

jeudi 13 juin 2019

Reporting moose sightings

I don't remember seeing this on the forum -- DEC request for the public to report moose sightings:

Webcams for NY Lakes, Ponds & Rivers

I put together a list of webcams for most lakes, ponds and rivers in NY. Since the weather changes so quickly in the ADKs, I found it useful to check the webcam to see the actual conditions before heading out for the day.


I couldn't figure out how to copy and paste the list while keeping the links active, so I just shared where I hosted everything.

Also, if there are any cams you know of that I may have missed, please let me know so I can add them to the list.

Thanks. Happy paddling. :cool:

Horn Lake

This question is for some of the Fisherman on the forum. How is the fishing?

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Buying A Kia Sportage

As per title, I am looking to buy a second hand Sportage 2012. What is the indicative price for this car and how is the FC?

Appreciate Sportage owners can give some input on ownership of this car. Is the ride smooth or bumpy type? I have never owned a SUV before.

mercredi 12 juin 2019

Lean-to project

Hey Gang:
'Just curious if anyone here has some experience building an Adirondack lean-to? I'm no contractor, but I have a few different sets of plans (including DEC's). I'm undertaking a lean-to project in my yard, my own rough and rustic version of one. I just had my property logged and the logs, which are hemlock are at the mill now.

My biggest question is the roof pitch, which none of the plans depict and some have the high-point of the structure in different places. I prefer it a little more out front rather than in the center (see photo). So, I'm curious what the roof pitch is so I can cut the logs at the right angle as I lay out the gable ends. But again, I'm no contractor and not good with angles.

I was searching this forum for a past thread where someone built a lean-to but couldn't find it. Any incite would be appreciated.



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NPT Stephens Pond vicinity

I did trail work on the NPT from Stephens Pond southward to the small wooden plank bridge over Brown's Brook. I was out 6/9-6/11, I approached the section this time from the Cascade Pond trailhead instead of Durant. I found with a couple exceptions, the Cascade trail was a bit more rugged than the NPT section, with notable sections of longer hobblebush and one significant and fairly new looking blowdown about halfway between the CP trailhead and the NPT junction. Going back the same way on 6/11 I found the CP trail to be very wet and muddy, probably mostly due to heavy rains the night before.

I had originally planned on camping at Cascade, but as nice as it was there I found few good/obvious tent spots except one that disappointingly had tp litter halfway between the leanto and the lake. Frances the dog also did not like crossing the hewn log bridge over the Cascade outlet, so I had to carry her over :rolling:

I pressed on to Stephens Pond knowing there is a nice tent site on the knoll there, and was happy to see there was a father/son pair of thru hikers there. We spent a very enjoyable evening chatting by a nice fire. After they set off NOBO on 6/10 I saw no other hikers on either the NPT nor the CP trail.

I worked SOBO toward Brown's Brook knowing that it was likely to rain pretty hard starting later in the afternoon, so kind of let that dictate how much work I would do. I used the SOBO hike to mostly cut back brush, and then did more brush clearing on the return trip, while also adding some blazes. I actually got off trail twice on the way SOBO, so I well knew the challenges that would face hikers trying to follow just blazes. I think that while it's not perfectly marked or cleared, it's better than it was before I started. :)

When we went out to this trail section about 3 weeks ago, I found the muddy sections close to Stephens Pond heading southward pretty tough to navigate. It was better this time, but still not what I would call good. Frankly, the trail is quite low for about a quarter mile past the leanto turnoff and the lake is high this year. So it's not a matter of clearing obstructed water bars or small streams to improve flow out of a flooded section, it's that the trail is in parts somewhat submerged in lake water encroaching the lower spots. I'll report it to the forester, but maybe the problem such as it is will be gone in a couple more weeks.

Overall, good trip! We have a packed schedule until at least after 4th of July, but maybe I'll get out sometime later in July. :dance::cool:

Add: also, if anyone has any nuggets of info for this section, I'd be grateful to learn them. Hideaway camp sites (any near Brown's Brook?), etc. Feel free to PM if it's double secret.

Rt. 73/Ausable Club parking

This weekend (6/15-16) will be the first weekend that there will be state police enforcement of the parking on Rt. 73 between the Rooster Comb trailhead and Chapel Pond. Last weekend, rangers ticketed over 40 cars parked illegally on Ausable Rd. That effort will be continued this weekend.

While we all wish that there were a better solution to the parking problem for High Peaks trailheads, that is the current situation in Keene. Please either plan to arrive very early, and in any event have another destination in mind in case the legal parking is full.

Perhaps this current situation will ultimately lead to a convenient shuttle system - either public or private - but for now a bicycle or Uber are likely the only options for this summer and fall.

mardi 11 juin 2019

St Regis DEC campsite map

When I went to Long Pond a few weeks ago, I brought along a copy of the DEC campsite map from the DEC WEB site. I found some of the sites mark as non-camping being rehabilitated. Even my site on the point had areas marked off. The map on the DEC WEB site is noted as 3/2016, so 3 years ago. The map seems out of date vs. what I observed. Are there more accurate maps available?

Heading back for July 4th weekend, hate to have to hunt for a site or miss a new site that's not on that map.


Lam phan tich van tay danh gia kha nang va han che cua tre

Làm phân tích vân tay đánh giá khả năng và hạn chế của trẻ

Sau khi chụp dấu vân tay, vân chân bằng máy quang học, các dữ liệu sẽ được chuyển cho các chuyên gia giỏi, để phân tích vân 10 đầu ngón tay. Từ đó dễ dàng đưa ra những đánh giá chi tiết về tiềm năng và năng lực của mỗi cá nhân.

Việc Làm phân tích vân tay đánh giá khả năng và hạn chế của trẻ, để tìm hiểu chi tiết về đánh giá này mời bạn cùng theo dõi bài viết dưới đây.

Sinh trắc học dấu vân tay (https://vi-vn.facebook.com/sinhtracvantayelitesymbol/) hiểu đơn giản chính là một hình thức phân tích dấu vân tay để có thể tìm ra được đặc trưng tính cách, ưu điểm, nhược điểm của một cá nhân nào đó. Qua việc thực hiện phương pháp sinh trắc học dấu vân tay cho các con, các bậc phụ huynh có thể biết được rõ ràng và cụ thể về các thông số của bộ não, từ đó chúng ta khám phá được những khả năng tiềm ẩn, đặc trưng tính cách, điểm mạnh, điểm yếu của trẻ.

Sinh trắc vân tay là một bộ môn khoa học, việc phân tích dấu vân tay khá kỳ công. Cần được thực hiện bởi các chuyên gia quốc tế đã qua đào tạo bài bản và chuyên sâu. Những thông số đó được máy tính toán và cho ra kết quả phân tích cùng các kiến nghị nâng cao khả năng học tập, hoàn thiện tính cách, hướng học, hướng nghiệp…

Làm phân tích vân tay đánh giá khả năng và hạn chế của trẻ

Phương pháp này được nhiều nhà khoa học, tâm lý học nghiên cứu nhằm mục đích tìm ra phương pháp giúp phát triển tối đa những thế mạnh vốn có của cá nhân. Khi thực hiện phương pháp Sinh trắc vân tay, chúng ta sẽ biết được những đặc tính về tính cách, khả năng vượt trội và hạn chế của trẻ, như vậy các bậc cha mẹ sẽ biết cách để đầu tư một cách khoa học sao cho trẻ phát triển toàn diện.

Cùng với mong muốn hiểu rõ hơn những chủng vân tay hiếm, bản thân và những năng lực, tiềm năng vượt trội của bản thân. Để từ đó phát huy tối đa, định hướng đúng ngành đúng nghề, giúp các bạn trẻ có một nghề nghiệp phù hợp vững bước tới tương lai. Ngoài ra để hiểu rõ hơn tính cách của mọi người xung quanh để có cách giao tiếp cho phù hợp, đạt được những mối quan hệ đầy giá trị.

Trong sinh trắc học vân tay, các nhà khoa học đã chia ra 3 chủng vân tay Arch, Whorl và Loop. Mỗi chủng sẽ quy định những ưu, nhược điểm nổi trội trong tính cách của một con người. Vì vậy, Sinh trắc vân tay cho bé sẽ giúp nhận diện đầy đủ tính cách của mỗi cá nhân để có giải pháp giáo dục phù hợp.

Khám phá tài năng, tính cách con qua sinh trắc vân tay

Sinh trắc vân tay ở TPHCM luôn sẵn sàng đồng hành cùng quý phụ huynh trong hành trình khám phá và phát huy tối đa những tài năng của con trẻ. Là một trung tâm giáo dục luôn quan tâm đến khách hàng, Elite Symbol còn tổ chức các chương trình sinh trắc vân tay miễn phí để đem đến cho khách hàng những thông tin vô cùng hữu ích về các phương pháp giáo dục.

Đến với chúng tôi các bạn sẽ được đội ngũ chuyên gia nhiệt tình, giàu kinh nghiệm chia sẻ và tư vấn những thông tin chính xác và đầy đủ nhất về lĩnh vực nay. Elite Symbol cam kết sẽ đem đến cho bạn một dịch vụ chất lượng và mức giá cả phải chăng hợp lý nhất.

Bạn có bất cứ thắc mắc gì về Sinh trắc vân tay là gì có đúng không bạn cũng đều có thể liên hệ với ngân viên chăm sóc khách hàng của chúng tôi để được giải đáp hoàn toàn miễn phí.

Oswegatchie Campsite availability

My niece from Calif. would like to try the trip but could not start out before Sunday prior to the July 4 holiday. Is it usually a mob scene that week?

lundi 10 juin 2019

Analisa Instaforex

Pasangan GBP/USD sedang menghampiri tahap rintangan, pasaran dalam potensi penurunan!

Harga sedang menghampiri tahap rintangan pertama di mana pasaran mungkin melihat kepada penurunan di bawah tahap ini.

Kemasukan: 1.2763
Kenapa ia adalah baik: Rintangan tinggi ayunan mendatar, Lanjutan Fibonacci 61.8% , Anjakan Semula Fibonacci 78.6%

Stop Loss: 1.2810
Kenapa ia adalah baik: rintangan penarikan semula mendatar, Anjakan Semula Fibonacci 38.2%

Ambil Keuntungan (TP): 1.2645
Kenapa ia adalah baik: Anjakan Semula Fibonacci 61.8%, Lanjutan Fibonacci 61.8%, sokongan rendah ayunan mendatar

Sumber dari: https://www.instaforex.com/ms/forex_analysis/144697

dimanche 9 juin 2019

Seymour 6/8

For my first ever visit to the Seward range, I decided to attempt Seymour Mountain. I grabbed the second-to-last parking spot and started off at 7am (p.s. when I left, I saw a lot of cars parked on the dirt road, perhaps that is permitted here).

To get to the Seymour unmarked trail, you need to hike 6.3 miles on the Blueberry Trail which then becomes the Ward Brook Trail (this trail eventually leads to the Northville-Placid Trail). This trail has no significant incline and runs along private property which a great number of signs will remember you about (why so many?). There are many brook crossings (1 bridge) which are easily managed at this time. At present, there is also a whole lot of mud, mosquitoes and black flies. Going through the mud pits requires a balance between going slow enough to choose your footing and brisk enough to avoid mosquito swarms. On the way out, I was focused on the latter.

This is Blueberry Lean-to – Mosquito HQ would be a more apt name. I did see some campers at Ward Brook Lean-to which is a little further off. I don’t know how many survived.

Turn off for Seymour is easy enough to spot (look for cairn with a shovel in it), but the bugs don’t seem to be aware of it and mostly hang to Blueberry Trail.

The trail follows some sort of unnamed drainage and starts off with a low grade (the type you can almost run down on your way back). After a mile or so, it gets a lot steeper and there is a series of rock surfaces (mostly wet) to climb. But the steepness relents, and the last 0.4 mile is quite easy if not effortless.

The summit area is small but very nice. Although the view is partial (180o East facing), a ledge just before the summit allows to contemplate all the rest. There are great views of the Macintyre range, the Santanoni range South-East, the neighboring Sewards, Lyon Mountain to the North and many many more.

Marcy & friends:

The other Sewards (from the ledge):

The trip down was a lot easier than last week’s long descent of Nippletop through Elk pass. I crossed a gentleman with a saw sticking up from his pack – he mentioned he was taking care of some of the blowdown – thank for your service, sir! Back on the access trail, I no longer caring about keeping my feet dry, I just went through the mud without slowing down. By then, the bugs were quite bad. Still, I guess it could have been worse since I never decided to wear my head net. This tree fell across the path 100' ahead - I heard it more than I saw it:

Round-trip took me 8.5 hours including breaks.

vendredi 7 juin 2019

Waterfalls of Satterlee Run


A remarkable waterfall gorge, with 7-8 falls.

Wilson Ridge Trail - MRP - Question

Has anyone done the Wilson Ridge Trail from the Moose River Plains Road to Little Moose Lake? What sort of condition is it in? Is there signage where it leaves the MRP Road, or is it one of those "at the back of a campsite" kind of starts? Thanks much for any information.


Dix Range Traverse (73 to 73)

So I'm planning a Dix Range Traverse for this summer. Current plan is to enter on 73 and go up to Grace via the Boquet Forks Trail, do the ridge, then come back down over Dix itself and exit at Round Pond. I have three questions (actually two, one with two parts):

1- going up Boquet Forks. Is it easier to follow starting on the south side of the river, or the north side/the so-called "high water route"? I'm less concerned about getting my feet wet as I am about wasting time having to pick my way through to follow the trail, or doubling back because I hit a dead end at a campsite, etc.. So which is easier to follow summertime, all else being equal? and

2a - going from Macomb to Hough. Which route would have less elevation change, going down from Macomb a bit towards Lilian Brook, and then up toHough. Or, going from Macomb past the Lilian Brook cutoff back up to South Dix, and the over to Hough? From the map, I assume going down towards Lillian Brook to come back up will involve more elevation change, but am curious if anyone knows from having been there. (I understand there's a "Pough Peak" in there someplace, not really marked on the map that may be hiding elevation from the uninitiated...) And...

2b - would going down towards Lilian Brook from Macomb en route to Hough mean I could refill water at a stream? Can I reliably plan to replenish and filter water that way, or not a factor and should I just plan to carry more from the start?

Thanks for any answers to these, and any other thoughts or suggestions you may have about the Dix Range via this route in summer.

General Trout Fishing Question


I have a question about trout fishing.....We have fished a popular trout pond in the northern ADK’s the last 3 years on the weekend following Memorial Day weekend.....Two years ago and last year, the fishing was pretty good with many fish caught every day.....We camped on the pond each time and were joined almost every day by other fisherman doing day trips.....I was there this past weekend (same weekend as last 2 years) and the fishing pretty much sucked.....I had the whole pond to myself the entire trip and did not really see any other fishermen that were serious about it.....Any idea why the fishing was no good this year and why nobody else was fishing there? The only thing I can say I noticed is that the water felt very cold compared to the last 2 years.....Is the fishing behind schedule this year due to the wet and cool weather we have had so far this year?

Just trying to figure out what was wrong this trip.....


jeudi 6 juin 2019

Engine knocking sound

Need you guys to help me with this. Mileage is 150k. When I accelerate, overtaking or simply drive up a slope I can hear tak tak tak sound. This only happens when the engine is hot. During cold or rainy season it is very faint or almost non existent.

Yet to open up engine to inspect for carbon buildup. Any advise. Thanks.

Jessup River/Dug Mt Brook Falls

Hey all,

I'll be headed up to the Indian Lake/ Lewey Lake area in a few weeks and I'm starting to plan some day trips. One that I'm looking at is the Jessup River to Dug Mt Brook Falls from Rt.30. Does anyone know if it is possible to take out at the portage and hike to the falls from there, without carrying over the portage and paddling any farther? Thanks.

mercredi 5 juin 2019

Circle hooks?

Has anyone had success using circle hooks when trolling worms behind a lake clear wabbler? I have noticed the last few years after getting into the brook trout scene that many fish tend to swallow the worm and further get gut hooked. Moving to a larger size 6 baitholder has not worked. So I was thinking of moving to a circle hook in hopes of reducing gut hooking as myself and our club are all catch and release fisherman. We would like to see these fish thrive and unharmed. Has anyone tried them yet? I have had success with saltwater game fish like stripers so I can’t see why they wouldn’t help reduce mortality rates in native pond brookies. Thanks

Jabe Rd road condition

It’s open per DEC site. But does it ever get any maintenance to be better than really rough?

Bald Peak

We originally thought we would do Rocky Peak Ridge from New Russia, but because my son's Golden has never been on a climb we decided to limit it to Bald Peak. Because of the shorten hike I was also able to bring both my dogs. Had we done RPR my 12 year old puggle would have had to stay home. She did great on the trail, and the next day she wasn't limping or even stiff. Not bad for a dog her age that shattered her pelvis a few years ago and needed serious surgery. She also has severe hip dyplasia. My other dog is a mix lab/sheperd and her ability in the mountains is incredible. A few years ago we backpacked into Colden and she went up and down the ladder at the dam like it was nothing at all. She's also done Gothic, Saddleback and Basin to name a few.

The trail was definitely wetter then the last time I hiked it, but certainly not difficult in that regard. The weather was spectacular!!! Low 60's and mostly sunny. Living in Cleveland makes choosing when to come up here more difficult then those of you driving only a few hours, but everything worked out great. My son, our three dogs and myself had a blast. While the black flies weren't outrageous, our head nets made everything much easier.

While many could have and would have gone onto RPR, I honestly feel it would have been too much for me. I am there to love life, and to exceed my capabilities changes all of that. Having been coming up here for over 40 years, and having the great fortune of climbing many of the Adirondacks beautiful mountains, busting my butt getting up them was more then worth the challenge, but keeping safety front and center is number one in my book. Being up there and climbing with my son and my dogs made this a remarkable journey to say the least. Seeing my older dog climbing like a champ, and our other two dogs loving life was almost equally rewarding.

lundi 3 juin 2019

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Dix bushwhack via East Ridge.

I decided to do another bushwhack round of the 46 and while the forum was under bot attack I began with Dix. I finished a 46-B 6 years ago on Basin and it had been a fun ride. One peak per hike and several years in the making. Along the way I quit using and then even carrying a GPS and honed my navigation skills. I have nothing against GPS and tech in particular but the nav challenge is something I enjoy. I also got into the habit of concocting complicated and what I thought were interesting routes.

The east ridge of Dix is long and curvy. From its east end to the summit there is an elly gain of 1800' and the length is 2 miles. I approached it whacking due north from 2000' elevation on the Boquet Valley herd path to Grace. What follows is a copy-paste of the TR I posted on FB and ADKHP.

46-B2 Kickoff with Dix via East Ridge.

I spun the mental wheel of fortune and it stopped on Dix so I did some research and Sylvie dropped me off at the junction of Rte 73 and the North Fork of the Boquet River. I opted for crossing the N Fork at beautiful Shoebox Falls and continued on the herd path until I was following the South Fork at 590 meters elevation – about 90 minutes out.

At that point I began the bushwhack and proceeded due north sticking to 600M elly and kept a close eye on my elapsed time when I heard what I was looking for: a stream -the N Fork again closer to its headwaters. It looked pretty small but I was 90% sure it was my drainage so I checked the map and switched bearings. Before long I knew something was wrong because my bearing had me side hilling after only 70 meters of elly gain. Then I heard a much bigger drainage up ahead and looked up to see my ridge.

No time or distance was lost by mistakenly using the first drainage as a landmark. After crossing the real North Fork I began a stiff 700' climb to the long and winding east ridge of Dix. The woods were wide open and the sun had the sweat pouring off of me. It felt like I was barely moving with a HR 90 BPM above my resting rate, which is under 50. (aside: I like to keep an objective (ie. instrument-derived) eye on my HR and I continuously slowed my snail-like pace to stay below my Zone 3. This goes a long way to staving off exhaustion on long and physically demanding hikes.) However, my altimeter indicated a rate of ascent of 24 feet per minute, which is perfectly good by my personal bushwhacking standards.

Nearing the crest I saw plenty of cliffs and open rock that I walked around and out to for views. Then I headed due west for a short spell to gain the absolute ridge-crest and get re-oriented. I made a radio call to Sylvie who was now on Giant having a snooze. The woods were very open with beautiful seams carpeted with glowing green moss and I caught an excellent view of Noonmark. The only way to go was up but I used the map, compass and altimeter to keep exact tabs on my position and desired direction. The ridge offered no views now and it was more of a long hill with the occsional knob and single-contour drop. Hence my desire to keep tabs of my exact whereabouts. As I ascended, the open seams became fewer and further between. The black spruce had very long interlocked branches that were extremely gnarly and resilient. You could get impaled on one if you ran head on into its tip. Thus, wide detours were constantly required. It was very enjoyable and I kept finding open seams. The only negative were the swarms of black flies that would not leave me in peace. They gradually fizzled out as I gained elevation.

I got even with the array of slides on my right (the ones whose common base, known as the wrist, the Dix trail crosses) and the slope became very gradual. The woods were delightfully open here and there was a lot of standing water-easily avoided. To my left I caught glimpses of the Beckhorn Slide. A faint but obvious herd path sprung up underfoot and was easy to follow as it wound its way along the line of least resistance. The woods became tighter and my progress slowed. The herd path gave way to the odd scuff mark, which like me, followed the line of least resistance. Snow patches were showing up here and there. At 1:30 I made a second scheduled radio call to Sylvie. I was about 150 meters vertical below the summit and could hear voices. But, I knew it was still a long ways off effort-wise due to thickening, obstructive and tortured vegetation. I was easily an hour out still. The term “open seam” took on a new meaning. I came upon a wicked fir wave directly in my path but was able to deviate around it on its leeward (climber's left) side. Then, over to my right I saw air indicating a steep drop and tried to work over to it for views but the woods were extremely bad and it was descending so I passed on by, not wanting to re-climb through such a mess. At 1350 meters the ridge narrowed to an isthmus and the vegetation had many impenetrable sections that I was able to squeak my way around, scramble up open rocks and catch little “open” seams.

I was on the final approach and the scuff marks led me on until I suddenly came out onto the trail. I decided I was too far from the summit so I went back into the woods and began a very slow and chest pounding traverse attempting to get directly under it. The remaining snow patches were of help. However, the cliff walls, vegetation and 45 degree slope got the better of my recklessness and I allowed myself to be led towards the trail. I hit it a stone's throw from the summit, made a quick trip there, eyeballed "my" ridge and called it a day.

I made one more radio call to say I would be out in no less than 3, no more than 3h30 and I began the l-o-o-ong hike out (took 3h20) to Round Pond where Sylvie was waiting. At our campsite cold beer, chips, dinner and our tent beckoned.

One down, forty-five to go.