mardi 25 juin 2019

Upper Schroon-deadwater pond to stump pond

Recently paddled section of upper Schroon River from deadwater pond upstream to stump pond and back. Basically the trip breaks down to 3 sections: from bottom of deadwater up it is a beautiful meandering paddle, once above deadwater it becomes more of a meandering stream. Fair amount of beaver dams to climb over and as the gradient increases it becomes shallow with ripples and rock gardens. A short distance before the old crib dam that forms the bottom of stump pond we had to line the boats up through the shallow water. Once past the old crib dam we crossed one last large beaver dam, with a great view of rocky peak ridge and paddled across stump to where it abuts the Tracy road. Quick lunch and return trip, with lining, rock gardens, beaver dams and meandering streams. We saw one whitetail and one Fox, total trip was just under 4 hours and distance was just shy of 5 miles.

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