mercredi 5 juin 2019

Bald Peak

We originally thought we would do Rocky Peak Ridge from New Russia, but because my son's Golden has never been on a climb we decided to limit it to Bald Peak. Because of the shorten hike I was also able to bring both my dogs. Had we done RPR my 12 year old puggle would have had to stay home. She did great on the trail, and the next day she wasn't limping or even stiff. Not bad for a dog her age that shattered her pelvis a few years ago and needed serious surgery. She also has severe hip dyplasia. My other dog is a mix lab/sheperd and her ability in the mountains is incredible. A few years ago we backpacked into Colden and she went up and down the ladder at the dam like it was nothing at all. She's also done Gothic, Saddleback and Basin to name a few.

The trail was definitely wetter then the last time I hiked it, but certainly not difficult in that regard. The weather was spectacular!!! Low 60's and mostly sunny. Living in Cleveland makes choosing when to come up here more difficult then those of you driving only a few hours, but everything worked out great. My son, our three dogs and myself had a blast. While the black flies weren't outrageous, our head nets made everything much easier.

While many could have and would have gone onto RPR, I honestly feel it would have been too much for me. I am there to love life, and to exceed my capabilities changes all of that. Having been coming up here for over 40 years, and having the great fortune of climbing many of the Adirondacks beautiful mountains, busting my butt getting up them was more then worth the challenge, but keeping safety front and center is number one in my book. Being up there and climbing with my son and my dogs made this a remarkable journey to say the least. Seeing my older dog climbing like a champ, and our other two dogs loving life was almost equally rewarding.

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