jeudi 27 juin 2019

Burroughs Range Loop ?'s


New to the forum. Hope it is okay to post in the general thread. Hoping to do the Burroughs Range Loop over the July 4th holiday. Planning on starting/finishing at Woodland Valley. I have 2010 NYNJ trail conference map and it indicates there are primitive campsites between Cornell and Slide and another after Slide a bit before reaching the parking lot at Rt. 47. Both indicate water sources nearby.

1. Can anyone comment on the current reliability of these water sources.
2. Planning on spending a second night at Giant Ledge Primitive Campsite. is there a reliable water source there?
3. From perusing forums it seems there is an easement off of Rt. 47. is this still an option?
4. In the event we want to bail on the loop at catch a ride from Rt. 47 parking back to Woodland Valley, is there a taxi service we could call in the area? is Uber active?

Many thanks for any info. We've been up to the area and done parts of this hike but never to full loop. It will be a challenge, but hoping to pace ourselves over 2 nights.

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