lundi 22 février 2021

2021 Western New York Adventures

With COVID-19 still affecting international and interstate travel, it looks like 2021 will be another year primarily exploring places closer to home. Having already visited just about every notable trail, park, lake, waterfall, gorge, hill, scenic overlook, and wildlife refuge in the area, I plan to go even further off the beaten path in the months to come. This will also help me get away from the crowds that keep increasing due to covid restrictions and social media.

Here are links to a couple of photo galleries where I have been uploading photos from this year's outings:


My next mission will be to explore this interesting location that I found while browsing topo maps last evening. The tributary next to the arrow might contain a waterfall and is 100% on public land. I'll upload pics here if I'm able to get some decent photos at this spot.

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