jeudi 11 février 2021

Just a Thought

I don’t post here much but find this forum to be one of the best sources of information on the web, I am always reading posts and trip reports.

I have been thinking lately, using a post about West Mountain from Queer Lake as a catalyst, about the somewhat failing trail infrastructure in the south western part of the park. This might be a silly idea but I figure it wouldn’t hurt to throw it out there: what about creating a small “trail maintenance coalition” or “club” specifically for the south western part of the park. I live in Utica so the greater town of Webb/forestport areas are near and dear to my heart.

From some exploring and some trip reports, the trail up the backside of West Mountain is largely in disrepair and trails surrounding 7th lake could use some love. Also the bridge on the stone dam lake trail from north lake road in forestport has been out since two Halloween’s ago. Unless that’s been fixed recently.

Basically I am wondering if why forum members would at all be interested in having some trail maintenance days kind of like the way Lean2Rescue does it. This idea is in its infancy and might be dead on arrival, but I wanted to come to this forum with its knowledgeable members for potential feedback.

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