vendredi 12 février 2021

Essex Chain Lakes XC ski TR 2/7/21

After reading about the Essex Chain Lakes area I wanted to check it out. I saw the potential for XC skiing and got some good info on routes. I visited last Sunday with the intention of skiing a lollipop from Goodnow Flow around Fifth and Sixth Lakes. If time allowed I'd check out the Upper Hudson Loop.

With the exception of deep, untracked snow on the backside of the two lakes, most of the route was at least partially broken or consolidated by old tracks and a short section of snowmobile pack. The views were somewhat obscured by snow falling but I really enjoyed the area and had it too myself except for snowshoers the last 1.5 miles. The 10+ mile loop only took about 3.5 hours so I headed to the Upper Hudson Loop.
The 4.2 mile Upper Hudson Loop is a designated ski trail. It was tracked from an earlier group and skied nice. There are a few chances to see the Goodnow and Hudson Rivers although the trail doesn't quite follow their banks. I skied the loop in 1.5 hours with short diversions to both rivers.

The first loop is pretty easy as far as no steep hills and the Upper Hudson probably skiable by intermediate skiers with at least one narrow steepish hill and some tight terrain.

I have full Trip report and more photos at my website at the link below.

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