samedi 20 février 2021

Oak Mt

Went to Oak Mt on Friday, it's still the same family friendly place that it's always been. Even though Oak was hit with the same rain earlier in the week that everyone was blessed with, there was enough new snow to make for soft turns on most of the trails.
Anything ungroomed was closed, as the breakable crust would be too difficult for the majority of their visitors.
Only the 3rd day ever on skis for the grandkids...he did ok and had fun, but she skied every trail with confidence, even the blacks! (must be her rollerblading, she skates on gravel!)

Boot up in the car, same as lots of places this year, at least the indoor bathrooms are still open.

Oh, I almost forgot, the Hamilton county sheriff's dept was there giving away free helmets to any kid that needed one. That's right, FREE! And any kid that already had a helmet, got a free coupon for a Stewart's ice cream. Pretty nice.

Only a few pics,

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