jeudi 11 février 2021

Feb 3, 2021 Ski Bushwhack to Fisher Vly Lake (Pinnacle Rd TH)

After two scouting outings, we made it to the Vly on Feb 3. Snow conditions outstanding as anyone can guess. Starting at the Pinnacle Rd TH in the southern part of the Shaker Mt Wild Forest, we skied the 3.5 miles on the blue trail to County Line Lake; finally all the minor stream xings are froze up. Once on the lake we skied west bout.4 mile then started the bushwhack, heading first at 210 degrees to the height of land betwn the watersheds, then due south to the vly. The topo map undersizes the actual winter size of Fisher Vly by a factor of 3. It truly is a lake surrounded by a vly that is well over a mile long. The snow on the vly is 2.5 ft unconsolidated powder as we found out many times as we sank suddenly WHOOOMFF down to the brush and alders below. We had limited time to explore so we headed east toward Little Oxbarn Lake but turned around before reaching it. Next time... the ski back along our bushwhack was half the time to get in and the ski down from CL lake was a blast. Will add the gps map and a photo or two later...

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