mercredi 22 février 2017

Frustration and pride!

My gorgeous 9 year old daughter after almost 9 months of training received her yellow belt. She was awesome, class was awesome, she was so proud.

She took her yellow belt to school as a bit of a brag I guess. Bitchy 9 yo black belt started on her. "You didn't earn it" blah blah blah. (Ftr I know both the kid and the fact that her clubs barely 2 years old). I'm not saying miracles can't happen, but I know this kid and while at best could be technical, could absolutely not rock a bb anywhere ever.

Basically it's left my daughter desperate to prove the girl wrong and wantsping to train day and night. I'm a tkd'r, and while most of our moves are similar I don't want to mess her teaching up so I have her do kata, kicks, punches etc and basically point out gross imperfections and where she can use speed and power.

It seems though that as her mum whatever I say falls on deaf ears. I'm wrong and **** and literally anyone else knows much more than me. Where do I go? What do I do?

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