samedi 25 février 2017

If you carry it in, Carry it out

I sent letter to the editor at the Post Star.I would like to share it with everyone on here.

Morgan Duke Conservation Society is trying to raise awareness in the Hudson River Special Management Area in Lake Luzerne. Some people know it as Buttermilk or the bear slides. Over the years we have seen some people leave their soda bottles, coffee cups, and other trash in parking lots and on the beach in the middle of the Hudson River. We would like to remind people to please carry out what they have brought in with them and to always bring a reusable bag when they visit or hike in the HRSMA.

We are also raising awareness about graffiti. The HRSMA is a beautiful place with many rocks and trees that make this place beautiful. Of particular interest is a section in the HRSMA that has an outcrop of rocks on the left side. Sadly, over the past several years, people have entered the park and spray painted rocks and trees – one visitor spray painted a smiley face in orange paint on a tree across from campsite 5.

Spray painting rocks can harm the environment, including habitats for rock and cliff dwellers such as foxes, birds, bugs and bats. What’s more, when people spray paint on rocks and on trees, it ruins the natural beauty of the forest; graffiti doesn’t belong in the forest or anywhere. Spray painting on trees is also harmful to the environment because trees give oxygen to the community, provide medicine, and give shelter to wildlife. By spray painting trees, visitors are harming the oxygen system and wildlife habitat. We do not want our children and grandchildren to visit this area and see the harmful graffiti that disrespectful visitors have left behind in the forest.

James Sullivan, president, Morgan Duke Conservation Society, Walden

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