lundi 27 novembre 2017

Better conditions reporting

Over the years, many skiers came to rely on the ASTC/Jackrabbit Trail ski conditions page. In the transition to becoming the Bark Eater Trails Alliance (BETA) we apologize for letting that service slide (pun intended) just a bit. This year we'll be back with more frequent updates, although probably not able to chart every change during periods (like these past few weeks) where major swings in temperature made for good skiing one day, and nothing 24 hours later.

In becoming BETA, the organization has gained a whole new generation of willing and able trail volunteers. Yes, they build a ride mountain bikes in the summer, but most hang them up for the winter and get out on skis. So the Jackrabbit Trail, Whiteface Landing, Wright Peak, and the Whales Tail trail have all been patrolled and are ready for snow. We've also already reported several good stretches of skiing on the whiteface Highway, and will monitor this week's predicted roller-coaster temperatures to see what might (or might not) be available for the coming weekend.

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