lundi 13 novembre 2017

Three day hunt ends in success...

Last week I hunted Monday through Wednesday in the central Adirondacks. It was great to be back in the woods and the weather was enjoyable with freezing temps overnight and low forties by mid day. On my last day I was hunting a ridge that had some beechnut feeding activity as well as some average buck sign, scrape and rubs. Around mid afternoon I picked up some motion coming across the ridge above me. I waited for an opportunity to raise the rifle when the buck stopped behind a large beech tree. The buck picked up my scent, blew and bounded directly up the ridge above me with several long leaps never coming into the opening I had hoped he would. He stopped in some small black spruces to look back down and determine who and where I was. This would be my only chance. I saw his tail move and centered my cross hairs on his chest. Boom... and all was still. Upon ascending to his position I saw deer hair on the ground. Looking around I could see the direction he had ran in and began to walk slowly looking for additional sign. I soon found what we all hope for... a heavy blood trail led me directly to my buck. He was 55 paces from where I found the first hair. I was blessed to be able to tag this buck. Nothing better than hunting in the mountains! The shot turned out to be about 85 yards. He is a young 8 pointer, probably 2.5 years old.
Good luck to everyone.

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