jeudi 2 novembre 2017

Calamity and Bradley Pond Trail Bridges

Good News from the DEC:

11-2-17 High Peaks Wilderness Update
Topic: Bridge Repairs in HPW

Bradley Pond Trail Reroute and Bridge Replacement.
The Bradley Pond Trail has a new reroute and bridge for hikers and hunters going toward the Santanoni Mountains. Shortly after you leave the gravel road, the reroute is marked bringing hikers to the new bridge over Santanoni Brook. After crossing the bridge the reroute continues and joins the old trail. This route eliminates one of the two stream crossings hikers had encountered previously. Along the reroute there are some sections of trail tread that will need to be hardened next year, you may encounter some slippery sections.
This project was a combined effort and thanks to all involved:
NOLS Alumni Service Trip,
SCA Adirondack Corps Program Manager,
SCA High Peaks Backcountry Stewards,
DEC High Peaks Trail Crew,
Inmates from Moriah Shock Unit,
Adirondack 46er Volunteer Trail Crew
DEC Lands and Forest Staff.

Calamity High Water Bridge Repair
The Calamity High Water Bridge has been repaired. On 11/1/17 a crew of High Peaks Backcountry Stewards, a Forest Ranger and the High Peaks Wilderness Manager finished the repairs on the Calamity High Water Bridge. The bridge has a slight list, given the placement of anchor bolts, this will be addressed in the future, for now the bridge is in working order.

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