dimanche 21 janvier 2018

Big Woods Buck

All right folks have I got a buck story to tell you so buckle up and make sure your boots are tied because this one will knock your socks off. Now I know I’m a little late on the deliverance of this story and left a lot of pikebuster fans wondering how my deer season turned out. Well after much anticipation here it is...it all started in the deep parts of the ADKs. I like to get good and lost before I start hunting it just makes the trips more interesting. So there I was lost as hell not really knowing where is was headed. All I knew is I was heading to buck country, where the bucks are as big as Buicks and a man could feed a family of 10 for a whole year off one buck. So put on the lard and onions I’m gonna gut a buck. Now when I hunt I like to coat my self in doe piss, that way the bucks come to me and I have to fight them off. I know what your thinkin “pikebuster you’re a nut” well that might be true but by my logic you have to be a bit of a nut to be baggin deer with nuts. I got to the spot where I knew there’d be a chance to give a deer a good ol dirt nap. Then within a few minutes there he was he was, so rutiful so beautiful and he was comin right for me. So I got down on one knee I knew this deer wanted a fight, I had to steady my nerves. He had one of his main beams bust off, no doubt he’d been head buttin’ tree huggers (they have pretty thick heads). So I checked the wind, made sure the barometric pressure was just right because this was gonna be one heck of a shot. I figured that he was at least 20 yards away, not an easy shot at all. I leveled off on his front shoulder, placed my booger hook on bang switch and then I proceeded to bring the hate. He ran a bit then went down, then the real work began, i quartered him up tore the head off the body of the deer because I didn’t have a saw to cut the horns off the head(that would have made it too easy which isn’t how I operate). Now first things first before I started the hike back, I always carry a Busch light with me, it’s apart of my survival pack. So I sat there had a beer and thought about the 12 plus miles I had to take this deer to my truck. But then again that’s what hunting the ADKs are all about. Until next year

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