mardi 16 janvier 2018

Question on Solo Plus

Good afternoon,

Backstory - this saga all started some years ago but then life got in the way. Getting it going again.

Quest to build small quiver of solo canoes - wanted one for rivers and one for lakes. I bring comfort gear and lots of it when the portaging isn't too bad. I am 270 lbs. and 6' 2" with extremely short legs. Large wingspan. Sit and switch. Week long+ trips. Coolers, fish finders, wet bar, the whole thing.

Great help from the boards. Narrowed it down to a Rockstar for the twisty bits and a Wilderness for the flats.

Two years ago while washing my canoe in the front yard my 65lb dog jumped in. Now he is a fixture on just the flatwater trips. Even has his own Thermarest and my 70's era North Face Puma jacket for a sleeping bag.

Question - while I believe the Wilderness would be fine for me and my comfort gear on the flats I am wondering if I need to go larger due to the added weight and his comfort gear. I do love my dog.

I really don't want to mod a tandem. Would a Solo Plus rigged dedicated solo do the trick? I have been searching forums and can't quite square this away in my mind. Some feel it is a good solo but with no rocker it doesn't turn well, which for this application I feel would be ok.

I appreciate any help.

Thank you.


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