mercredi 31 janvier 2018

Super Secret Campsite visit, SLWA, 31 Jan, 2018

A couple weeks ago, Justin posted an awesome video of a backpacking trip to his Super Secret Campsite, deep in the Silver Lake Wilderness.

He mentioned that no one has yet to find it. Of course a Tick Magnet never backs down from a challenge, especially one in the SLWA. Today was my attempt to find this so called, Super Secret Campsite.

Arriving at the trailhead early, I suited up for a long walk in sunny, 6° weather.

I signed in at the register and noticed Justin's name a couple rows above mine. I did a good deed and put a new pencil in the box as the old one was pretty beat up. I hope everyone likes Minions :D On went the snowshoes to begin the gradual ascent up the trail.

Yellow disks marked this route along an old road.

The trail eventually left the old road and paralleled a nicely frozen creek.

The post holes on this section of trail were horrible. They must have sunk down at least a foot. It will take a lot of snow to fix this problem.

After walking along the creekside trail for about ten minutes, I came to the large bridge.

I crossed over to the other side (so to speak) and walked for another ten minutes until it was time to turn off into the woods and search for the old industrial site where Justin got his repurposed wood rack. I found the site with no problems.

Despite the snow, quite a bit of the ruins were visible including a pile of bricks and some old iron dating from the 1880s.

When I was finished exploring the site, I set a compass heading for where I thought the Super Secret Campsite might be. The route took me up and over the shoulder of a hill and through some spectacular open hardwoods.

After reading the terrain and adjusting my bearing a little, I came to a nice flat spot alongside a small headwater. Sure enough, there was the Super Secret Campsite. :clap:

I quickly took advantage of the "furniture", sat down and poured a cup of hot tomato soup to celebrate my find. I thought about leaving a calling card, but my little LNT voice said "no". All that was left to do was play a little air guitar, pack up and head out back down the hill to the trail. Even though it was pretty cold and windy out this morning, I had a great time exploring a really neat area. It was an added bonus to find Justin's Super Secret Campsite. Your secret is safe with me, buddy.

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