samedi 10 août 2019

Quick little Pharaoh detour

I'm not very diligent in posting my trip reports so here's to change. There are a couple of campsites off the South trail to Pharaoh Lake. I've been wanting to try the one by Pharaoh Brook for quite some time. Those familiar with the area will recognize it immediately. I was hoping to see some wildlife on the marsh and to test some new gear.

The campsite is very nice with wide open space and many fine trees to hang a hammock. It also has a privy. I was hoping to sleep under the stars but the old Adirondack micro weather had other plans. It rained most of the night but the Etowah tarp I use provided plenty of protection.

Pharaoh Lake was very crowded with a constant stream of people heading there all day. After sunset a nice young couple joined me after, I assume, they saw my fire. They were hiking in and got caught in the dark. We shared some nice conversation and they made their way to Pharaoh Lake the next morning along with their small dog.

I tested a new down blanket from Rumpl. I had hopes that it, along with an under quilt, would be sufficient in the warmer months. No such luck. The cooler temperatures along with the rain made for a cold night. Should have brought the sleeping bag.

I did see the resident beaver and two whitetail deer. Sorry no pics. I was surprised that I didn't hear any owls but maybe the rain kept them quietly hunkered down.

It was a good, quick trip to decompress and enjoy the forest. Rain was a threat all morning in the hills but as soon as I got to Brant Lake it was sunny and pleasant.

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