lundi 13 février 2017

Anyone dealing with severe wrist/big toe chronic injuries?

I have a litany of chronic injuries I work around the best I can. Aside from my low back, the two major ones are my left wrist’s scaphoid non-union (in layman’s terms, a fracture that never healed and the bone remains broken) which causes severe arthritis, limited range of motion and loss of strength; and my left big toe in which what started as turf toe has developed into hallux rigidus (extremely limited dorsiflexion range of motion and severe arthritis). I use a brace for my wrist and tape my toe by using a couple of different methods. From a training limitations standpoint, the wrist means I can’t do let hand posts i.e. no left side hip bumps or technical standups. For crocodile/bear/crab walks, planks or pushup I have to make a fist. The toe problem means I can’t do anything that requires left live toes or left toes dorsiflexion/push off. No left foot outrigger when opening the guard, no shooting left for doubles. Holding a good sidemount can also be problematic when you can’t drive using your toes/ball of your feet very well. Surgical options are not good: either a fusion of the joint in both cases or other procedures that are either not very successful long term or limit range of motion/strength even further. I’m used to training with them, however my right side wrists and toes are also starting to show signs of arthritis, especially my right big toe. If it ends up as bad as the left, it’s going to be extremely hard if not downright impossible to keep training. Imagine trying to do jiujitsu wearing a pair of Japanese wooden sandals.

Anyone dealing with either injury, especially the toe? How do you work around it? Have you had any surgical procedure done?

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