mercredi 15 février 2017

Intellectual property, loyalty and what's owed by the modern martial artist?

Over the years we have had discussions about what an instructor can ask of a student, what one owe's an instructor and what one can carry off when they leave a system to go somewhere else or start up on their own. Some people would say we buy a service/knowledge and we don't owe the instructor anything else, a case of exchange of mutual benefit, that's all. Others spoke about loyalty to the 'master' , 'system' etc which sometimes came across as blindly following 'tradition' whether necessary or deserved. This sort of divided the pragmatists (sports/combat oriented) from those who wanted to the whole cultural package. Fast forward to 2017 and you will find that those divisions have become blurred. There are a few videos circulating now in the BJJ community saying '' why should I share with someone who might not be loyal to us?'' or ''why should I give my soul to someone who thinks what I value so much can be simply purchased with no commitment''?

Seems that the old ways are ? have returned. Is it because of competition and people not wanting to lose money? Is it because people want to keep the system ''pure''? Is this really necessary? I ask because at one time I thought that this sort of position had disappeared from the modern MA world. What do you think about this shift in thinking? Do you think it's reasonable?


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