mercredi 15 février 2017

kararte recommendations

Hello All, I need some help please!

about a year back I trained at steve powells JKD in Manchester!
Unfortunately I had to give it up due to starting a new job :cry:

I'm not giving up in returning to training tho! this weekend I'm starting BJJ at straight blast! and once I have completed the fundamentals I can do the morning classes before work.

however I'm also looking to take up Karate. I'm a big fan of Ian Abernethy and watching his videos of applied bunkai to Katas are fantastic!

however ive messaged quite a few karate clubs who shall remain nameless who tell me karate is strictly punching & kicking only and self defence is a different entity altogether!

OR the Bunkai to the katas they perform is truly heart breaking

I have however found 2 clubs I'm interested in

club no.1)

club no.2)

if anybody could shine some light on these clubs that would be fantastic.

or any recommendations please let me know. I'm only available to train Friday/Saturday all day and early morning weekdays

thank you all so much for reading this and for any future response!

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