vendredi 17 février 2017

Yield into Emptiness....and other misc

The follow series of videos and footage is left over from a class discussion we had one evening and a facebook gathering.

I'm discussing about Emptiness and a comment I once saw Adam Mizner make in one of his videos. For reference: Skip to ~ 1:46

To be fair, the dude seems quite skilled...I just couldn't let his comment about emptiness go. Not when it's something that I use regularly and can make it work.

So to that end, I wanted to share some of my opinions on how to make it work. There are tons of ways Emptiness is possible but in these videos I concentrate allot on allowing the opponent to come close to my body...since it's something Adam said you shouldn't do. ;)

The following 3 vids are from an after class discussion:

Lastly from a facebook gathering days later:

* To the moderators that may ask my reason for posting them. I offer them up as a chance for discussion. People are free to agree or disagree and also post how they feel about the subject. Namely, is yielding into emptiness possible on a realistic basis or venue? I argue that it is.

Cheng Yee Kwoon,
Sifu Onassis Parungao

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