lundi 22 octobre 2018

Marcy & Co over nighting on trail

If we get the right weather window we are going to try for Marcy one of the next few weekends. We are pretty comfortable and experienced cold weather hikers / campers but always open to learn more.

The goal would be Marcy, and I would love to include a few more. We plan on camping two nights so are not planning to do it in a single day. We've full packed in in cold weather before but may not get to trailhead until 4pm. Have night hiked and are ok arriving at camp in the dark but would be better of we had an established site in mind rather than a 150' off campsite. But if it comes to that we are hammock campers and will make it work.

Looking at maps it seems there are trade offs. Trailheads that provide better opportunities for additional peaks are longer.

So here is current plan:
- Fri Park at ADK Loj, hike to campsites between Marcy Dam and Phelps peak trail. Or if we arrive late or going is slow - Marcy Dam.
- Sat morning: part of me wishes to get on trail quickly and part of me wishes to break camp and move it up the trail a bit. But I believe there are no more designated sites at Indian Falls and although I see an indicator for a privy on the map right above where VanHo and Hopkins join it is above 3500. Another privy is marked where VanHo connects with Ind Falls Lk Arnold Cross over. The goal for moving camp would be to reduce trip back, allowing more time in four corners area and Table Top possibly for Sun morning.

From Marcy, evaluate conditions and decide if we wish to drop down to 4 corners for Gray and/or Skylight. If weather is grumpy I do not think I want the peak between me and camp. My compass is my friend...

Avoiding Feldspar. The placing for a campsite would be great but I do not want a soaking on Lake Arnold trail.

Slant Rock from Garden is appealing as well but again longer and I am not sure I want to play with the cliffs on Saddleback. But could do Marcy, Haystack, Basin and consider Saddleback (we are really good at leaving one unclimbed peak surrounded by ones we've climbed).

So any thoughts or recent trail updates would be great.

From current conditions we will be prepped for winter. Spikes but I do not think we need snowshoes(?) just yet.

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