mercredi 3 octobre 2018

Quick trip to CRF with my wife

Headed off to cedar river flow for a quick overnighter Sunday before last. Had some bluebird sky during the day and a full moon at night. Loons were more active than I’ve heard them in a long while. We camped at what I think is site 4, and what we refer to as “the point” since it has water on three sides. Here’s my wife at the start of our paddle.

She goes in for rotator cuff surgery in a week so unfortunately it was all me. Luckily there wasn’t much wind on the paddle in. That changed. [emoji4]

We arrived at the site around 11am, and it was in decent shape, other than a smoldering fire. I wish people would make sure their fire is really out when they leave. I think the overall cleanliness of this particular site has vastly improved with the addition of the thunderbox a few years ago.

We haven’t been here in a while and I was saddened to see a lot more live cut stumps and brush cleared from the shoreline of the site. There were probably 4 dead standing trees as well, some obviously dead from being girdled by clueless people, but a couple that were dead and yet showed no damage that I could see. Parasites?

There was one elephant in the room, so to speak. This abomination:

Someone apparently recreated the table from the last supper using a chainsaw. It will likely still be there when that site has become a barren spit of land poking out into the water. This thing was *sturdy*. When I went to hang my hammock, I noticed that one of the trees I used to hang on was gone. A little poking around and I found the stump, cut close to the ground. I made do. [emoji6]

We only saw a few paddlers on the water all day, and one pair of fishermen in a rowboat with an outboard, but they went out around noon and came back just before dark so it was pretty quiet. While my wife sat by the water with her crochet stuff, I wandered around in the woods, playing with my gps.

We had a pretty nice little sunset for there not being many clouds.

The lake was amazing at night, lit up so much by the moon that you could see the entire thing in a cool white light so bright you threw a shadow. We were serenaded by the loons until we went to sleep. The next morning as I was scooping some water to filter for coffee, i found this little guy sitting in a stump.

I cleaned it out and stuck it in my pack. We hung out most of the day, then around 4 or so the wind started kicking up. We packed up our stuff, all the while watching the whitecaps starting to form. I grabbed some garbage from the site (old bent up cooking racks, mostly) and tossed that into the canoe. I was a little worried since my wife wouldn’t be able to do much in the way of paddling. Luckily the wind was blowing in the right direction so I was able to do quite a bit of surfing. The hardest part was avoiding being blown into the shoreline before we wanted to be.

We made it back in record time, and my shoulder is still sore from all that J-stroking. Totally worth it though. We stopped at Basil & Wicks on the way out and had an early dinner, which was a great way to finish up the trip. Easy peasy, but good to get out, even just for a short overnighter.

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