lundi 1 octobre 2018

Pharaoh Lake helicopter?

I'm curious if anyone knows what was going on around Pharaoh Lake a few days ago. I couldn't find any news articles and didn't see anything that matched in the Forest Ranger Highlights published today.

On Thursday 9/27 some friends and I hiked into Pharaoh Lake from Putnam Pond. Throughout the day we could hear a helicopter every once in awhile. We set up camp at Split Rock Bay/the #4 lean-to. Around 6:15pm while we were cooking dinner a helicopter flew super low directly overhead heading south and landed on Pharaoh Lake near the east shore. I didn't catch any tail numbers but I'm 95% sure it was a NY Police helicopter. It matched the coloring of this one

It landed on the water, just sorta of circled around in place for a few minutes, and then took back off heading west behind Pharaoh Mountain which is the direction we had seen it going a few times earlier.

Here's some video I caught of it. Not the best quality as it was pretty far away so I had the optical and digital zoom maxed out on my camera.

We heard a helicopter a few more time over the next day or 2 if I'm remembering correctly but not nearly as often or as close as we heard/saw it on Thursday.

Any ideas?

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