vendredi 17 janvier 2020

Books on the Adirondacks

For sale are five (5) books relative to the Adirondacks. All are in excellent condition.

"Heartwood - The Adirondack Homestead Life of W. Donald Burnap" (as told to Marlee Armour). Paperback. 322 pages. $22 shipped

"Life With Noah - Stories and Adventures of Richard Smith with Noah John Rondeau" (as told to William J. O'Hern). Paperback. 273 pages. $22 shipped

"Call Me Adirondack" by Murray Heller. Hardcover. 162 pages. $32 shipped

"The Adirondacks 1830-1930" and "The Adirondacks 1931-1990" by Donald R. Williams. Paperbacks. 128 pages in each. Both books for $38 shipped

**All 5 books for $100 shipped**

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