vendredi 24 janvier 2020

Nine Corner Lake, FLWF, 22 Jan, 2020

On Tuesday the 22nd, Tredhed and I headed out into the Ferris Lake Wild Forest. Our initial destination of Broomstick Lake was scrubbed because the parking lot wasn't plowed out.

Nine Corner was our backup and it turned out to be a great hike.

Arriving at the trailhead on Rt. 29A around 9:00, we met two long-time Forum members Gail and Kathy as well as Berta the awesome dog!

It's always nice to meet other Forum members and it turns out that Gail and I had been hiking together many years ago as part of the now defunct, Adirondack Wilderness Explorers

After signing in, Tredhed and I started up the well-packed trail.

We were careful to keep a brisk pace so as not to be smoked by Gail, Kathy and Berta.

I did make the obligatory stop at the small waterfall to capture the moment.

To me, it looked like the water was flowing out of the mouth of a snow demon. :eek:

Soon enough, we covered the short distance to the outlet of the lake.

Do you think they don't want anyone to camp there? :)

A few minutes later, we met up with Gail, Kathy and Berta and chatted a bit more.

Too soon, we parted ways as Tredhed and I struck out across the lake to explore some of the "corners".

We walked down the lake to poke around the northern "corner" and the views were spectacular.

After hoofing it down the lake, we decided to check out some of the eleven well situated designated campsites.

Of course, no trip to Nine Corner Lake wouldn't be complete without checking out some of the massive glacial erratics that dot the woods near the outlet.

I can definitely see why this is such a popular spot for the bouldering crowd.

Truly fantastic specimens.

Just as we started back down the trail, the sun started to come out and cast beautiful shadows through the woods.

The trail was in great shape this day as it was well packed by snowshoes.

Usually, this is a heavily traveled snowmobile trail, but with only 6"-8" inches of snow, the sleds haven't been out yet.

We knew when we were close to the trailhead when we could see Kane Mt. through the trees.

Overall, it was an great short hike. We would have like to hit up Broomstick Lake, but we'll save that for the next time. There's some neat features there that we need to re-visit. Standby for that TR soon.

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