mercredi 1 janvier 2020

Hike up Stewart

I took advantage of the lack of snow to bare-boot up about 1/2 mile towards Stewart from Rte 86 last Sunday the 29th. Upon gaining elevation I donned my trusty MCRs and fought the brush higher up. Mercifully I was able to skirt most of the boulders and their weak moss bridges... all I needed was to fall between a couple large rocks with a broken leg waiting for rescue in who-know-how long! :) But the weather was fine, the snow firm and all was well. Summit reached before noon and a leisurely stroll back to my car.

An 8-hour hike up a mountain with zero evidence of any other human being and great views of Whiteface across the valley between peaks. Love the ADKs!

Happy New Year! (BTW, if anyone wants to join me I have about 20 of the Hundred Highest left. It'll be fun!!)

B 518.495.5763

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