mercredi 1 janvier 2020

Unnamed 4,000+ footer - MacIntyre Range

Happy New Year All!

I'm hoping to hike in the MacIntyre Range sometime this year, most likely in the summer months. There's plenty of information available on the main peaks I'll be looking to summit (Algonquin, Boundary, Iroquois, Wright) but I couldn't find much info on this other 4,000+ foot peak that piqued my interest on Google Satellite View and Caltopo:

It's located at 44.152380, -73.994582 and has a rocky summit area. The distance from the Algonquin/Wright trail junction is a manageable 0.5 miles each way according to Caltopo, and the most straight-forward route follows the 4,000 ft. contour line without having significant elevation gain or loss.

Has anyone been to this particular peak? Are there worthwhile views? Is there a herdpath leading there or will it require a bushwhack? And if there's any scrambling at the end, is there anything above Class 2?

Any info would be greatly appreciated! I usually research my hikes extensively before hitting the trail, but haven't been able to find anything on this intriguing detour from the Algonquin Trail.

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