mercredi 4 mars 2020

Austin Falls, JRWF, 4 Mar, 2020

Today, Trehed and I decided on a very laid back "walk in the woods" to Austin Falls in the Jessup River Wild Forest.

We've been to Austin Falls on the Sacandaga River many times before.

Usually, you can drive to it from the north on "Old Rt. 8". Today, we decided to snowshoe the 1 mile or so from the south.

Parking at the "Bridge Closed" Trailhead on the shoulder of Rt. 8/30, we had the company of two trucks with snowmobile trailers.

We squeezed in between them, strapped on the snowshoes and headed across the bridge in the middle of a brisk lake effect snow squall.

Since the area is a snowmobile super highway, there are several signs to keep the sleds going in the right direction.

BTW, we didn't see or hear any snowmobiles today. :)

The snow squall intensified as we headed north along the old road.

In about 20 minutes, we started walking uphill and noticed the Sacandaga River getting louder on our left.

Just before the final push to the top of the hill, a well placed sign let us know we had arrived at our destination.

We were both surprised how open the river was.

We hung around the falls for a while enjoying the snow.

The power of the river never ceases to amaze me.

After our obligatory happy snaps and contemplations on how insignificant we really are, Tredhed and I headed back down the old road.

As we chatted, Trehed came up with the quote of the day; "While our distance may be limited, our adventures know no bounds".

I kind of liked that. It sums up a lot of things.

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