jeudi 19 mars 2020

The Cabins at Chimney Mountain

I haven’t done a trip report in a while mostly due to some forum technical difficulties, and since we are all stuck at home getting bored out of our minds during this crazy time, I figured I’d share a fun adventure some friends & family & I did a few weeks back in mid February... I’ve been wanting to rent one of these cabins for quite some time. We usually get together once every winter for a weekend of camping & icefishing, but most of the time we’ll just tent it or grab a lean-to. This year we decided to give the “Lakeside Cabin” a try, and we weren’t disappointed. Unfortunately we didn’t catch any fish, but good times were had non the less! Sure do wish we were back there right now isolating from the rest of the world. I’m sure we’ll be back again next winter. Here’s the link to their website, and a few photos to share...

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