samedi 28 mars 2020

Trapping vs. Fishing Ethics?

I suppose this is more of an ethical question, but here it goes...

I was out with my son yesterday mostly "warming up" for the start of the season, testing out some new gear and waders on the year-round trophy section of the West Canada (don't mind naming the location because this really isn't a fishing story). Water is expectedly super cold and high right now, but we went to a location that gets heavy pressure and is accessible. As we're walking tight to the bank in about 3 feet of fast water we're startled by a beaver caught in a trap literally an arms reach from us. Within 30 seconds the beaver became agitated enough that it ripped its front left paw clean off and swam away.

While to each his own on their outdoor passions/recreation (and realizing beaver trapping is still in season), I find it a little irresponsible to be trapping in such a heavy pressure location where overlap with folks fishing is a real possibility. I have every reason to believe that my son or I could have stepped in/on that trap were it submerged and without a beaver in it.

So what say you all? Is this irresponsibility or a hazard that comes with the territory that we should all learn to live with? Thoughts appreciated.

PS--I did report this to an Encon officer/friend of mine.

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