lundi 9 mars 2020

Tenant Creek Falls, WLWF, 9 Mar, 2020

What a beautiful day for a short hike close to home. With temperatures forecast to feel like June, Tredhed and I had an absolutely gorgeous day for a morning of exploring. Our objective today was to take a mello hike and have mercy on my bad foot as well as to give Tredhed a chance to use a new lense for waterfall pictures. Tenant Creek Falls in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest fit the bill perfectly.

An early departure got us to the trailhead at 9:00. In the winter, Hope Falls Rd. isn't plowed all the way to the DEC parking lot. It's barricaded about a mile shy of the trailhead.

The view of the East Stony Creek from the small pull-off was pretty nice.

Quickly donning our spikes, we hoofed the mile to the trailhead along a well packed Hope Falls Rd.

After 20 minutes of easy walking, we came to the summer parking area.

We signed into the woods in a beat up (and full) register book and decided to keep our spikes on. The well marked trail was a little icy in spots as it gently climbed the lower slopes of Rand Mt.

The trail wandered through a mixed forest, some hemlocks and an open area of hardwoods before it descended into the Tenant Creek valley.

As this was our first winter trip to the falls, we didn't know what to expect. We were not disappointed.

Tredhed set about test driving his new lense and taking some nice photos of the waterfall in the process.

While he played around with ISO settings, F-Stops and timed exposures...

I explored some of the smaller cascades in the immediate area.

After meeting our goals for the morning, we took a break and just listened to the waterfall and enjoyed the hemlock filtered sunshine. Which, by now, was starting to warm things up. The hike out was pretty uneventful, except for peeling layers off to keep from overheating. As we signed back out of the woods, our faces turned into the warm wind as we cruised through the final leg back to the parking area. A perfect ending for a short stroll through the big woods.

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