mardi 21 septembre 2021

Hudson River Skin Irritation?

Probably a long shot but… By any chance has anyone here ever noticed if they got a skin irritation within a day or two after swimming in the Hudson River, particularly in the Adirondacks, or more specifically in the Hudson Gorge region? Or any body of water for that matter?
This is the second time I developed a rash (or fungal infection?) after swimming in the gorge region near Blue Ledge. I know there is some poison ivy in that region, which I saw and was careful to avoid but somehow still ended up with some sort of funk on my skin in various locations. Just wondering if maybe it could be some kind of reaction to the water in that area for some reason..?
Is it possible the sand in that region is saturated with urushoil from the thick patches of poison ivy along the shore in that region and is carried downstream in the water?

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