jeudi 23 septembre 2021

Ideal Land Management

Completely hypothetical, but if we could better shape land management, would it be more ideal have a "matryoshka dolls" model where wilderness areas were surrounded by a "buffer" of wild forest, and wild forest areas were surround by buffers of easement or working forest?

This then provides the highest level if isolation, and thus protection for wilderness areas, and access through wild forest areas. Working forest kept on the fringes where it least disturbs wildlife and recreation, and also help promote and fund access roads.

I'm sure there are a number of benefits and drawbacks to this strategy if it could be implemented. I've thought of some but I'll save my thoughts for response to others.

I know, currently, the state tries to do this sort of thing where they can i.e. keep easements near roads bordering state lands to buffer forest and wildlife from development. Is this a good method? Is the ideal method as I described above?


-Economic impacts of working forests
-Recreation opportunity

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