samedi 18 septembre 2021

Hunting Deep Backcountry

I only jump on this website once a year to see who's doing what for the hunt. I was surprised there's no threads on hunting here as of yet... Seems everyone here is still focused on fishing...but with the weather I can understand why. I've been getting gear ready for 2 weeks now in anticipation of the hunt...

Again, we will be hunting the deep backcountry of the West Canada Lakes Wilderness... Heading up in 2 weeks to put up the Elk Tent and gather firewood for the whole season... It's a labor intensive weekend, but once the camp is set up and all the wood cut, split and stacked, we're ready to kick back and enjoy the sounds of the wilderness...

I've been hunting with a (30.06) Remington Woodmaster, model 742 for 45 years. It's a great hunting rifle. But as I age, that weapon just doesn't get any lighter.. I cover a lot of territory every day still hunting & tracking and I, after all these years, broke down and decided to retire my Remington for a lighter weapon...

Just bought a new Tikka T3X, (30.06) with synthetic stock, and a Leupold 3x9x50 scope... The bolt action on that weapon is really smooth. Total package weighs less than 6 1/2lb... That's almost 5lb less than my Remington. So now it looks like I've got to get the legs in better shape as I'll probably cover more territory...

Alright boys & girls, get focused and start thinking about the hunt... As for me, I can't wait to get up there. When I hear those coyote's howling I'll know I'm in God's country...

And remember... "It's not about the kill, It's about the Adventure"...

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