jeudi 16 septembre 2021

Little Tupper Lake--third time

My wife and I just went to Little Tupper Lake for the third time, and since I've posted about it before, I'll post again. The first time was in 2007, and I searched out my trip report, which is here:

The pictures were all on a site which has disappeared, but I still have them on the computer, and I put them in a new location and modified the post to link to them. Not bad for a 14 year lapse! One thing we failed to do then was get to Rock Pond, and it had nagged at me ever since that it was still waiting for us.

We went again in 2017, but our 10th-anniversary trip didn't go well. We got to our campsite (number 7, same as in 2007) successfully, but the following day was rainy and windy, and we were stuck in camp. The day after that wasn't rainy, but the wind was still pretty bad, and we didn't dare get out on the water. The wind does seem to drop in the evening though, so we took down our camp in late afternoon and waited, and when the evening calm arrived, we loaded the boat and made a run for it. Here's a single picture from that trip showing the view across the table during a cribbage game. The little stones are there to hold the cards down. I forget who won.

This year we watched the weather forecast, especially concerning wind, and decided that the first few days of September looked "good enough". We ended up having a very nice 3-day stay, but this time we used site 1, because we'd have the shortest trip back to the put-in if we decided we needed a quick exit! Also, the daylight hours are getting shorter, and we didn't start from home as early as we should have done. By the time we arrived, there was a clear need to find a campsite quickly, or we'd be searching for a spot in the dark. As it was, we bought sandwiches on the road instead of cooking dinner.
We arrived with the sun just setting, and enjoyed gas station sandwiches for dinner.
Our campsite at Site 1, chosen because of the late arrival, and also to make a quick exit if the wind was bad when it was time to leave.
View down the lake.
We made a trip to Round Pond on a grey day, but the weather improved as we returned.
Back in camp.
On the way to Rock Pond. Being at Site 1, we had to paddle most of the length of Little Tupper.
On the stream up to Rock Pond, we had to drag the boat over a beaver dam, which wasn’t much of an obstacle really. There were a couple of others, even smaller.

Now we’re on Rock Pond, a lovely little place, with several campsites.

Of course, if you camp there, you have to get your gear over the beaver dams, and make a short carry.
This is it, when we were returning.
Back down the stream to Little Tupper;

Next day, down at the waterside, ready to load the boat.
Back at the headquarters and back under a grey sky, the trip’s over.

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