mardi 21 septembre 2021

Long Pond, SPWA, 20 Sep, 2021

For our last hike of the summer, Tredhed and I decided to revisit Long Pond in the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area. After a quick stop at Charlie Johns in Speculator to pick up lunch, we headed up Elm Lake Rd. and into the Speculator Tree Farm easement.
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The seven miles went by quickly as the dirt road was in great condition. Low clearance vehicles can probably make it with no problems as long as they go slow. Once we arrived at the designated parking area, we shouldered our day packs and headed towards the wilderness. First, we had to cross a recent clear cut. It was neat to see the pioneer species repopulating this harvested area.
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In a few minutes, we crossed into the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area and the atmosphere changed dramatically. We added our names to the trail register noting that it's been three years since we've been back here.
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Crossing Cisco Brook on a "new" bridge...
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We headed up the Old Kunjamuk Rd. marked with red DEC disks and blue tabs to designate that this is part of the North Country Scenic Trail.
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We always get a kick out of Bench Marks we see along the way. Does anyone know the story behind these and why they were installed in 1942 at the height of WW II?
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A little over a mile from the trailhead, the red disked trail to Long Pond leaves the old Kunjamuk Rd. and heads deeper into the wilderness. The trail was very pleasant to walk however, we noted one area near Rock Pond that had some massive blowdown. Some work had been done to clear the way, but there are many "limbo trees" hanging over the trail.
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A few minutes past Rock Pond and the blowdown, we approached our destination, the point on Long Pond.
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The views from the point never disappoint us. The views around the pond are fantastic and in the early afternoon the shadows on the ledges are dramatic.
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After lounging around, rehydrating and having our CJ's sandwiches we headed back down the trail to check on Round Pond. We limbo'd under the blowdown and checked out the designated campsite. Randy from the Poconos was there having spent the previous night. We chatted for a few minutes and then snapped the obligatory "rock shot".
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Bidding our farewells to Randy from the Poconos, we headed back down the trail to the trailhead. We had a nice drive back down Elm Lake Rd. to "civilization". We made it back to the Hamilton Lake Mosquito Preserve just in time for cocktail hour where we reminisced about a great hike to an even greater destination.

Attached Images
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File Type: jpg 6b Rock Pond.jpg (146.8 KB)

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