samedi 25 mars 2017

4 Months in and I Still Lose Every Match


I've been doing Jiu Jitsu for 4 months now 2 times a week and I've noticed that I'm not progressing as well as the others. This is fine and all, but last week I was paired with a boy who was 11 years old, probably about 4'10 and 80 pounds and I ended up getting tapped out 4 times in 15 minutes to a scissors from mount, a bodyscissor, a triangle and an arm bar. Can I please have some defenses for these moves because obviously the ones I'm being taught are not working for me.

What's worse is that I learn he's only been training for a month. It isn't just with the kid either, I've lost every match I have fought except on 3 occasions against new white belt women.

Is it just like a language where it's easier for kids to learn or something? I probably outweighed him by 70 pounds! It's hard to keep up the motivation to carry on training when I've got nothing to show for my progress.

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