samedi 25 mars 2017

Adirondack "Snoskishoe"

While winter isn't completely over I'm already thinking & planning for next winter. You should be too. For those that enjoy hunting, hauling a sled, skiing, and snowshoeing in the back county's rolling hills and flats consider a pair of these:

Patterned after Russian hunting skis I had these custom made last year which I dubbed "Adirondack Snoskishoes". They perform well as demonstrated. They have superior flotation in deep snow and are "just my speed". The craftsman commissioned to build the skis has agreed to build a limited number (5 pairs) this coming summer. They will be shipped in late September 2017. I currently have three orders and thought I would get the word out to others that may be interested in ordering a pair. Orders need to be in by the end of April. The cost, for these custom skis, made in Vermont, are $575/pair. They do not include the skins or bindings. Contact me for further ordering details.

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