jeudi 30 mars 2017

Did I make the right choice?

Hello everyone.
I train in a style that is a combination of bjj and jjj, mostly focused on bjj. For a long time, I badly wanted a blue belt. Recently, a friend got through to me and explained not to focus on that, but on enjoying grappling.
My coach told us the other day he wants a fellow white belt and me to get ready for a blue belt testing in june. I thanked him nicely, said I was deeply honored, but must decline. I have many reasons for doing so, mainly because it's my final year of college, and exams are comming up, so unfortunately no time for the preparations, which are very intense, and even missing two sessions is bad. Second, at every belt test a traditional Japanese kata must be performed, and it involves a lot of synchronized somersaults. I'm a big guy, and my spine is not very flexible.
After 3 years of practise I still can't do the somersaults the way coach wants me to. I've tried physiotherapy and yoga, it helped but not much. If it was just about me, I'd go for it and hope for the best.
Problem is the committee that grades belt tests has been known to fail people for not doing the kata properly, and they never fail just one person, either both pass or both fail. I would hate myself if my friend didn't get his blue belt because of me. It means so much to him, and he really deserves it with all the effort he's put into it. I do it mostly for fun.
After june, I'll be gone from here, no bjj, or any martial arts, where I live, so that's it for me.
I had a meeting with my coach, told him why I won't do it. He took it well, said it's no problem, and put one of the other guys on the list.
I was okay with it, but the other day a couple friends told me I'm an idiot, and that by declining I deeply offended the coach. He seemed fine with it, we still talk, and train together.

What do you guys think?

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